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Clever way to find hidden molts. Note to self: this is not a molt! 😅 I now wait a few extra seconds to see if “the molt” moves!


But anyway! The tip.  Squish water from the turkey baster into the area you want to look. I’ve found them behind sponge filters and airstones/other objects this way. (Shrimps may be surprised.. lol - sorry shrimps. It’s for your own good!)

Hard for me to pick up my sponge filter. When I do, all the babies rush under it and then I can’t put it back down without a lot of shooing. 

Also we had some criminal activity in the wild tank (because, you know, they’re WILD). But not to worry. We caught the perp and booked him. He’s currently awaiting trial.



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Is this a stage of molting? Is the white pieces of her shell? This is the second time I’ve seen this in the last week. This shrimp I thought was dead and 2 shrimps were trying to eat her, but I took her out and under magnification her legs are moving.








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This is cool. I’d try to find an unglazed pitcher though.


On 6/29/2023 at 8:22 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

this happens a lot with stuck molts

Had I left her in the tank, do you think the other shrimps would have helped her out of it. It looked like they were eating her but idk? Also I believe she passed. I haven’t seen movement since I pulled her. She’s still on her side. 

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On 6/29/2023 at 6:41 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Had I left her in the tank, do you think the other shrimps would have helped her out of it. It looked like they were eating her but idk?

Definitely not and the stress will just result in her passing. I tend to make sure she's not getting attacked, if she is, then I move her as gently as I can and try to give her something to grasp.

Some reports say it could be a day like that, others say it's a sure sign she's passed.

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On 7/1/2023 at 5:46 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

They sure love moss, don't they! Especially when it's not been cleaned yet. 😂

This is the stuff that I took out of their tank about a month ago. It’s been in a bucket and had filtration and light. I think it did ok during that time! Still looks green.

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Wow!  I think I’ve done it!


I very carefully analyzed the shrimp in the blue tank for any signs of scutariella japonica. I did this using magnification and spent quite some time. Besides ONE shrimp which I already knew about from seeing her the other day, everyone else is looking nice and healthy! 😍

Today begins course 3 for the wild tank, and I had just done the water change and fresh dose of PraziPro. So I simply moved her there so she can get another full round of treatment. It’s what made the most sense, and she would qualify for culling anyway as the has sort of a blue black mixture pattern. She seems to only have a mild case of SJ, as the worms only look like little stubs. They are alive though. Hopefully not for long!

Regardless of treatment conclusion on the blue tank, I will continue to pull molts in both tanks.

Nibbles will be added back soon also.

Happy 4th to those here in the U.S. 🇺🇸

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On 7/4/2023 at 1:10 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Regardless of treatment conclusion on the blue tank, I will continue to pull molts in both tanks.

This is the approach I'm taking as well.  I don't know when I am "allowed to" cull, but hopefully soon.

My secondary method, considering I am pulling molts all day is to be a bit liberal with the calcium based foods (i.e. shrimp food) for the shrimp as opposed to other things for color or fiber or anything right now. 

I don't really understand.... I feel like I've been feeding a ton for months and barely any of the shrimp food jar is empty.  😞

I feel like it's not being fed "quick enough" to even justify the food of this size being sold!  I do only have one tank, eventually two, but it's a funky issue to consider.

Congratulations on the success and sense of accomplishment.  As you know.... keep an eye out, stay at the ready for when you need to toss in some salt or something and ensure nothing is around.

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On 7/4/2023 at 6:11 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

well.  I don't know when I am "allowed to" cull

You can breeder box cull. That way they still get the benefit of treatments in the tank. I have a few to cull also but I’m just waiting the week til I finish the last course in tank 2.

On 7/4/2023 at 6:11 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

barely any of the shrimp food jar is empty.  😞

I feel like it's not being fed "quick enough"

Hikari shrimp cuisine with the little packet knows what they are doing. When you first buy it it’s like, rly? This is not a lot. But it goes a long way actually! I usually just feed them Repashy with the calcium carbonate in it because that’s what I give the snails too.

Also @nabokovfan87, when you look at your shrimp under magnification, do you ever notice how messy eaters they are? They are like the Swedish chef, just tossing things everywhere! Taste, toss over shoulder, repeat 50x

I was watching a little guy earlier. He’d pick up a piece of sand, turn & clean, drop, next piece of sand, turn & clean - all of this was like it was fast forwarded. They are so quick, it’s crazy!

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On 7/4/2023 at 4:23 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Also @nabokovfan87, when you look at your shrimp under magnification, do you ever notice how messy eaters they are? They are like the Swedish chef, just tossing things everywhere! Taste, toss over shoulder, repeat 50x

They all run around with it like they are afraid they won't get a piece. I definitely appreciate smaller granules compared to the "logs" that I have currently. I'm excited for when this food is done.

The small little cichlid veggie stuff I have or something like algaemax, I can only imagine how well they would do with it. 

Agreed. The hikari size/shape is great!

For amanos, man they could eat wafers and not care, but the neos are a bit different.

On 7/4/2023 at 4:23 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I was watching a little guy earlier. He’d pick up a piece of sand, turn & clean, drop, next piece of sand, turn & clean - all of this was like it was fast forwarded. They are so quick, it’s crazy!

They are so awesome to watch.  Seriously.


On 7/4/2023 at 4:23 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

You can breeder box cull. That way they still get the benefit of treatments in the tank. I have a few to cull also but I’m just waiting the week til I finish the last course in tank 2.

Ah. Good point. They are too small to do any damage in terms of breeding, so no big deal for another few weeks.

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I’ve been having a couple losses in the blue tank; one here, one there. I guess the stress of everything; during treatment they didn’t seem stressed but to go through 3 courses, it must be hard on the little guys. Plus I did a 50% water change yesterday to remove the rest of the meds. I did drip water back in but idk. Probably was a weaker shrimp, I suppose, that did not do well with the change.

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On 7/5/2023 at 8:50 AM, Guppysnail said:

I know somewhere you said you recently tried wondershell again. I found it does not immediately affect shrimp but I start experiencing mortality a week or so out. I used it on several occasions and each time I experienced mortality 

It was a little sliver, and not in this tank - that was placed in the betta tank where I found a shrimp living.

I will discontinue Wondershell completely though, knowing this, and will just use cuttlebone if I think they need calcium.

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