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Unpopular opinion about moss

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IT SUCKS, okay this all my opinion but I have moss in my tank and it looks great but it’s a pain to trim cause it gets everywhere Plus it’s kinda hard to trim it and make it look good, the trimmings sink in the bucket so their hard to dispose of and they collect a lot of waste. EVERYONE who sees this tell me you’re experience with moss and how you like it/don’t?C46E3E41-7ADE-41C7-B45F-37C82DBFB748.jpeg.f4a388848a9207958f1e9fb2ded0cdb1.jpeg

Edited by Jacob Hill
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I didn't like java moss, I like Christmas moss. I found it can be difficult to clean and can be weird to try and place if it is not affixed to something, like wood. I have a 20 long almost full of Christmas moss that has been growing for over a year and don.t really know what to do with it all... I am planning on using some for a new shrimp tank.

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I have lots of Java Moss.

If it's down near the substrate, it tends to collect crud.
If it's too close to the surface, algae tends to grow on it.
If you attach it to a wood and it grows well, you have to trim it all the time.

I find it works best if you kinda leave it free-floating, like a tumbleweed.
The strands kinda grow apart from each other as they reach up for the light and the space between them keeps it as an airy lace.

Does really well in my 5 gal fry tanks. There's lots of ramshorn snails to keep it clean and it makes a nice airy carpet for the fry to swim through.

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There is a saying... Nothing is permenant except death and taxes... They should add moss to that list. Moss is great for breeding and some fish and especially shrimp actually benefit with it. The issue is it's like duckweed, once it's in one tank it somehow manages to weezle it's way into another. 

I made sure not to bring Java moss into my fish room when I started over. Problem is I went and got Taiwan Moss and Christmas Moss, and now I can't get rid of the stuff. 

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