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Normal crowntail female betta or egg bound?


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I picked up the most beautiful female crowntail betta at an auction at my local aquarium society this week, only to notice she had a very swollen abdomen on the way home. 

I brought her home and have been keeping in a gallon mason jar short term with 50% water changes twice daily (7.0pH, 78F heater, 0 ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite), but just upgraded to 3 gallon fish safe tub while I figure out what’s happening. I fasted her the first two days, but she has been pooping with no decrease in abdomen size, but scales seem laid flat in a nature position. Appetite has been good since I started feeding this morning.
I talked with my LFS owner and he said possibly egg bound and to research further. I have seen a few mentions that crowntail females can have slightly different body shapes, but I wanted another opinion before going in the wrong direction. 

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