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I've wanted to breed some of the rarer carnivorous plecos like leopard frogs and zebra plecos and one recurring thing always shows up... EBO aquaristik food. Is it a good food? Why is it a good food? How much can I feed of it? Does it work well for leopard frog plecos? 

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Never heard of it. Maybe a newer startup company. It is difficult to maintain a quality food in the industry long term. Newer startups do well for awhile then lag behind. Is it widely accessible in the US market? I’m seeing sellers in Germany and Singapore. I wonder if it really far outdoes Repashy?

Here’s some back-panel ingredients…










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I use EBO youngster grow paste to feed my adult bristlenose and fry and EBO spirulina tabs really good quality food youngest grow paste is good for getting hypancistrus species into breeding condition and good for raising fry I have seen increase growth in my bristlenose fry since switching to the youngster grow paste more frequent spawns from my bristlenose pleco @Yanni

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  • 3 months later...

I bought some EBO mussel sticks for my L046, L134, and L397 plecos, they seem to love them but they do seem to get bloated on them fast, I actually lost a juvenile L397 because he ate a whole stick and his stomach literally exploded. (Most likely my fault for feeding juveniles such large food.) now I feed it 1nce a week as a treat, and I crush up the sticks before I feed. I would recommend it as part of a varied diet, but certainly not a staple, or an everyday food.

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