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Cherry barb dance?


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Hi! Got some questions about breeding behavior in cherry barbs. I currently have a small group of them in my main display tank (3F, 3M). I have observed many times the males displaying for the females, as well as splitting off with a single female near the corner of the tank. Once the two fish are alone near a plant or another form of cover, they slowly follow each other around. Then the male occasionally rubs himself onto the female. Is this how cherry barbs fertilize eggs? I thought they were egg scatterers, so I assumed the male fertilized eggs after the eggs were laid, not during the process. Just curious what this little dance is all about.

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Cherry barbs are fun to watch. I've got 4 males and 11 females in my 33g (best guess on how long I've had them is since summer of 2019). Until I moved in a bunch of male endlers I got to watch some fairly interesting breeding behaviours. My males established territories that they lapped around, always trying to entice a female to come spawn with them - that was the biggest thing I wasn't expecting from them, even in a species only tank. The chase would break up if another male joined in, more often than not (my most territorial one was a particular stickler for that). My biggest, plumpest female would never spawn - almost always it was a svelte one in particular who seem to spawn. 

I still see some pretty finnage displays but spawning? Decreased to the point I haven't seen it in months now (though it certainly might just be happening when I'm not around). Definitely a species I'd recommend anyone try species only - they're good community fish, but far more interesting and entertaining alone.

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