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Concept: "Thought Processing" series


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I saw someone comment earlier and try to speak directly to Cory (hoping that he sees it).  The message was basically that the user understood why he was taking a step back from live streams and returning to VLOG style videos.  Reading that post just made me think about how I wouldn't be back in the hobby, and I'm sure so many of us also, if it weren't for Cory being the inspiration that he is.

When I did have time to watch the streams, I would watch his introduction to the topic of the week and then I would basically just have it on in the background while I was cooking dinner or doing something else. The important part of the video for me is just hearing what he thinks about the topic and whether or not that was information I knew, thought was useful, or had my own perspective on.

This made me think of writing prompts, and how there can be a sentence to get a writer pointed in a direction.  I think in terms of video content, maybe there is a series where the "concept" of a writing prompt can be the template, while bringing some of the informational side of those videos, the creators thoughts on a topic weekly or something.  Set a timer for 5-30 minutes and discuss the topic at hand.  Maybe there is a tank that highlights the example of why someone has that perspective and we can visually see the logic.  This would then capture all types of learning patterns and help everyone to just focus on enjoyment, learning.

Maybe that is a good middle ground, but either way I am looking forward to more VLOGs from Cory.  I wouldn't be here without them.

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I also listen, on occasion. I’ve not been able to enjoy any fish tube live-streams for awhile now. Not just the CoOp, but _any_.

My reasons are simple: I’m interested in only two things — (1) interactivity and (2) learning. With the sheer volume of participants, there’s almost no way to get meaningful interactivity without waiting for hours. And the volume of fans requires YouTubers to be personal.. share everything they’re up to… which is just not the sort of learning I’m interested in.

So, I think this is why I really miss the Aquarist Podcast for my _learning_ fix. As for interaction, ta da!! We’ve got this lovely Forum (thanks always, CoOp).

I hope Cory does what he enjoys! Anything that is draining him he can leave to others. I’d be fine with a livestream panel featuring the CoOp staff. When Cory does what he enjoys, good things tend to happen!!!

Edited by Fish Folk
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On 4/16/2022 at 7:12 PM, Fish Folk said:

So, I think this is why I really miss the Aquarist Podcast for my _learning_ fix.

Me too! I've been wondering what happened, was especially looking forward to more wisdom of the ages from Rosario and Joe. Recently I started listening to The Aquarium Guys as well.

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@Randysince it’s your podcast has it gone dormant again only to roar back again with the magic that is Joe and Rosario? I truly miss your podcast. I savor all the old episodes I’ve probably listened to all of them 3 x at time point. 

In terms of Cory, my understanding is that some people who obviously did not hear the whole discussion/stream went and told Dr Novak that Cory was throwing shade on anoxic filtration. This drew Novak’s ire. His minions have been doing their typical troll behavior. Then Bentley defended Cory on his stream and Novak went after him but reportedly he and Novak have sorted it out. It’s a soap opera in FishTube land that should never have gotten started. It’s just different styles of fish keeping like different schools of painting or golf or music things that are easily construed as a slight when it’s just a different approach. The irony was that Cory talked a ton about UGFs and wanted to perfect the plates and make them better. 

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On 4/16/2022 at 9:32 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

It’s a soap opera in FishTube land that should never have gotten started. It’s just different styles of fish keeping like different schools of painting or golf or music things that are easily construed as a slight when it’s just a different approach.

Truer words have not been spoken. Sadly, some of the unkind commenting moved on to other videos, as well.

The reality is a lot of people are really scared, and scared people struggle with emotional regulation. The "soap opera" action is a cultivated response in USian society, as multiple studies and research has shown that emotionally reactive people tend to buy more... so keeping people emotionally reactive benefits corporations willing to exploit this phenomenon. 

I'm just grateful that Cory is not of the personality type willing to exploit people, I am incredibly sad that the livestreams need to be scaled back for now (I love being able to interact in the livestreams and chat in real time with Candi, Jimmy, Dean, Zenzo and the rest of the team that shows up) and I am a firm believer that the secret to the ACO success story is Cory's passion and fun. If livestreams are no longer fun, don't do them, period. If that changes in the future, then I will be thrilled to see the live stream format return. As long as Cory, and the entire team are enjoying what *they* are doing, I will enjoy catching the videos that are published.

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Even if Co-op Live streams were literally just people from the fishfam (actual youtubers) talking to one another, that'd be fine to me. The whole thing is I think having 15+ minutes to expand on a topic, old tutorial type of videos that Cory and Lamont did, add value to the hobby. Especially for new hobbyists if it's making a topic approachable.

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I often keep youtube on autoplay in the background while I am doing chores and I am always happy when the algorithm serves me up some old Cory videos because he seemed so happy and enthusiastic in them. Nowadays, I can see that he has the weight of the world on his shoulders, and wish for him that he will set his boundaries where they will protect his ability to enjoy his business, wherever that is.

I enjoy the videos featuring store staff, Zenzo, Irene, Dean, Candi's ponds, store tours, unboxings, you name it, and hope that Cory will continue to develop these, too.


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