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Hard water overreacting?


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Cory mentioned that he would take hard water over soft water any day. My tap water hardness 250-300 ppm and pH 8. I am very worried about keeping softer water fish like expensive cory doras, apistogrammas, and certain tetras. Am I overthinking this and will these fish be able to tolerate my water? If not what would be the best way to tailor my water to keep these fish?

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On 4/13/2022 at 11:42 AM, k0olmini said:

Cory mentioned that he would take hard water over soft water any day. My tap water hardness 250-300 ppm and pH 8. I am very worried about keeping softer water fish like expensive cory doras, apistogrammas, and certain tetras. Am I overthinking this and will these fish be able to tolerate my water? If not what would be the best way to tailor my water to keep these fish?

The main thing is to understand that some fish absolutely cannot tolerate some water parameterms, but know that there are the vast majority of fish that will adapt over time. As far as how to control it, you can push for botanicals i the bottom of the tank (indian almond leaves, alder cones, etc.) for PH down to 7 and use RODI for your water changes and top offs.

Check your water after 24 hours.  I have very hard water (new test strips ordered tomorrow if you wish to compare) and I've had pretty much no issues with anything I've kept and the hardness. Plants, wood, a lot of the species will care more about how the tank is setup, scaped, but I can even think of something like discus where cory said he has had them on harder water. Let me see if I can dig it up.


Edited by nabokovfan87
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