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Anyone know what this worm is?

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I’ve linked a couple pictures below. This is in just a Tun that I originally had some snails and plants in that I collected in a swamp. It came with some leech hitchhikers as well. It’s been set up for a year now, and I haven’t touched it or even looked at it in 6 months. Never had fish in it. The snails eventually all got eaten by the leeches, the plants didn’t do so great and now it’s just an algae field. As far as I was aware after the snails died out the leeches were only a couple weeks behind them, now they couldve survive on copepods or these worm things, but irregardless these worms are completely different than the leeches and don’t move at all like leeches. Was just curious if anyone was able to identify what these worms were or point me in the right direction besides general worm. 

i kinda live by having as many organisms in each of my tanks as possible, so my main reason for finding out what these are, besides just pure curiosity is also wanting to know if I can add them to my other tanks or not





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