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Betta Fish white/pale patch


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My betta fish have had this white/pale patch on his body for more than a month now. There is a white film/fuzzy surface to the patch. He is still eating normal but slowing down a little during the day. Is this a disease that I should be treating?

Water Parameter:

20 gallon tank, just 1 fish

temperature: 81-82 degree constant

Nitrate: 25

Nitrite: 0

Hardness: 300

Buffer: 180

PH: 8

Chlorine: 0





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I would point you to go to the Aquarium Co Op online store and search Fritz aquarium salt.  There is an article there that talks about using aquarium salt as a treatment for a variety of fungal or bacterial diseases etc. If you follow the directions given it is a safe and effective treatment, even if you are not 100% sure what it could be.

Adding almond leaves/bark will release tannins into the water, if you like that look, that are known to have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. That could be a preventative option once your fish gets better.

Your fish is stunning by the way.  I hope he feels better soon!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

An update: Kanaplex didn't do anything. I did a week of the med trio (Ich-X, Paracleanse and Maracyn). Half way through the treatment, I noticed he darts across the tank sometimes. There is no white spots on him so I finished 1 week of med trio and just switched to Paracleanse exclusively. I am on Day 3 of 5. He still darts occasionally and sits on the bottom of the tank most of the time. His appetite is still very good.

Any other meds I should try if Paracleanse doesn't work?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I thought the PH was a little high, getting close to 8.4. So I brought it down slowly with PH down over a few days. He seemed to get better and almost back to normal. Then suddenly he got this open sore at the same spot he had the white patch. I am treating with Kanaplex.


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Possible ruptured abscess you have a couple of options as you haven't seen any significant improvement when treating with kanaplex  and  maracyn I would add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties to help provent any secondary fungal or bacterial infection and increase water changes to lower the bacterial count you could try treating with antibiotic medication with a different active ingredient such as maracyn2 in food 


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