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Aquarium work table


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After no tanks for about 12 yrs I recently started up one in our bedroom and wanted an area to set things on when working on it. I used a metal 30 gallon stand I had and just made a top for it, matching the cedar boards around the room. Wife made the front covers for it and the tank next to it to match other things in the room.  Maybe this will give someone an idea or two. 


Here’s a better view of the front covers she made. (Please excuse the towel drying on the step ladder on the left.)


Edited by Choogie
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I’ve made work benches and such for the shop but no real furniture. I did make the hood on the bow front when I got it years ago. My wife sews all kinds of things. She made the bed cover from our old jeans and garage sale finds. Then several like it for family and friends who saw it and wanted one. The tanks are on metal tubing commercial stands. 

Edited by Choogie
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