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That sounds like it should be fine, my one concern would be the rams/apistos getting ugly with each other if one species decides to breed but your footprint is generous enough that both of them should have enough territory. I'd personally take it slow and add fish over time while monitoring how the parameters respond to new additions.

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that's a really loaded question. stocking isn't a simple yay or nay question. all of these is dependant on parameters and what your maintenance routine is like. If this is a hypothetical tank, and you are just asking for visual opinions; I would pick either rams or apistos as your center piece, and either a larger group of rasboras or a larger group of tetras, but not both. pairing up the medium fish with whichever smaller species is closest to their preferred temperament and water parameters.  I am unfamiliar with snowball plecos, so hopefully somebody with more experience with those can chime in.

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@Williamirish16I've got a 40 breeder stocked much heavier than that with no issues with the water quality (2 filters) so live stock wise you should be fine. I've kept A. caucatodies with GB Rams in the same tank successfully, they both even spawned in that tank but they're cichlids after all and even though they're considered "peaceful" there's always one SOB that will try and stir things up so just monitor them. Good luck.

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