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Java Moss Lament 3

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Still struggling with Java moss and might give up. I have 2 seperate questions. Advice on possibly doing better or suggested alternatives. 

So the first piece I got was not the healthiest when I got it. Most of it died and flaked off all over the place. It is now wrapped in a tight ball and hasn't done much in awhile. I got some in a mail order of snails and decided it was my 2nd chance as it looked greener and healthier. It's now getting a darker green which I fear means I'm yet again failing it. I can decide if it could be too much or too little light. I lean towards too much yet I hear people saying give Java moss lots of light?  Idk. Ik frustrated. People say it grows easy but not for me!

In regards to the 2nd question, would it maybe be wise to try a similar plant instead?  If so which would you recommend?  Ones I know of are Christmas moss, guppy grass, flame moss, and various other mosses but I know little about them. The main goals of the plant is to be in a fry tank. Likely with panda cory fry mostly if not exclusively. Small chance of adding shrimp to the tank in the future. 

Please ignore the small amount of colored gravel that I've been working to scoop out lol


Edited by Cinnebuns
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Java moss is pretty tolerant of most conditions.  I know you’ve posted your tank parameters and lights before, but I don’t remember them or where you posted them.  Help us out with a little more information so we can give smarter advice.  Pics of the moss would also be helpful.

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That sadly is a pic of the largest free piece of the moss lol. I didn't get much in the bag of snails. I will include a pic of the tied up piece. 

Parameters of the tank that I just tested are ammonia - 0 nitrite - 0 nitrate - 20. The lights are what comes on the Marineland hood. I will include a pic of that. It has both white and blue light. 

Maybe I didn't give the stuff I got with the snails enough of a chance since there is so little of it. Maybe I need to give a healthy AND decent sized piece a chance before I fully give up on the plant. 

I tried to get a better in focus pic of that piece to include. 




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Umm, how about a pic of the actual light, not the hood.  I don’t have that type of hood.  We, well, . .  I, . . . need to see how many little LED bulbs you have to at least get some idea of how much light you’re dealing with.  Someone else may know exactly the lights you have, but I don’t.

It may just be a matter of not enough light even for Java moss, which tolerates very low light indeed.  Mine is currently growing under a very dense cover of Amazon frogbit and red root floaters.  Then I intermittently pull out about 80% of them so it goes bright again (relatively speaking, I don’t have super bright lights over that tank).

Nothing wrong with your parameters.  You could have a nutrient deficit, but again, Java moss is quite tolerant.  Let’s see your lights.

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When I 1st started with aquarium plants I tried Java moss in my clown loach aquarium and it did not last. I think it was the temperature of the aquarium, I run it at 84 degrees. I have Christmas Moss in the mail on the way and I’m going to try it in my 40 breeder with my Panda Cory’s. I have been hesitant to try moss again because I failed the 1st time. I absolutely love the look of moss I am hoping this time it’s a success! 

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I'm going to say it needs more light.... if those LED are both white and blue, the blue doesn't help the plants grow as much as the white LED do. Might be worth investing in the Aqueon white submersible LED and suction cupping to the lid to add more light

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On 3/13/2022 at 2:15 PM, Cinnebuns said:

@Odd Duck @Torrey sorry for the catbox lol. This is how close it is to a window. Also, I looked on Amazon for aqueon submersible white light and wasn't sure which you were suggesting. 


Idk why that pic came out sideways

That window light might save you, but more consistent, closer light would be even better.

I have not used the submersible lights but have seen them and suggested as an option since I figured you have a low fitting lid and would want something low profile that was waterproof. 

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My Java moss started out growing very slowly but eventually it took off and got out of control. With such a small starting piece you may have to wait a long time for it to start doubling. 
here’s a link to a really inexpensive light would definitely help all the plants in the tank. 

AQUANEAT LED Aquarium Light Full Spectrum Fish Tank Light 12" 20" 24" 30“ 36" 48" Multi-Color Fresh Water Light https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07T9Y7LQ4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_CYKGWZY32SQCCVTPE3GJ


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On 3/12/2022 at 8:28 PM, Cinnebuns said:

I have that same light but with 3 rows of LEDs, it grows some java moss but it grows algae faster! I had a thick mat of java moss growing in a tank that just had a USB-powered LED puck light, but I am also very very patient with that tank.

I have java moss in heated and cold tanks, and it seems to grow much better in my cooler tanks. What's your water temperature?

I also have some guppy grass and it seems to grow more quickly than the moss, but also dies off quickly when it doesn't like something. It's taking over in one of my tanks and gone in another.

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I bought Java moss back in the mid 90s.  It all died except one little strand.  You can not give Java moss too much light.  That little strand with no fertilizer other than fish waste from 4 lake Malawi cichlids, turned into pounds of moss I kept giving away.  

I had put some in an empty food container once for a friend to pick up.  He kept putting it off until it had been in the container for 3 months.  It was still green and still grew in his tank.  

You might lose most of it, but once it takes off, it’ll grow like crazy.  Give it lots of light.  

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On 3/14/2022 at 12:30 PM, Patrick_G said:

here’s a link to a really inexpensive light would definitely help all the plants in the tank. 

That helps a lot ty. I might wanna get it for my main tank infact. My main tank, I think, has better lights but it's still only white. Just want to make sure this would be the better choice over it. Might be one of those investments that pays for itself with selling extra plants lol


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Hey, I started java moss the same way with a $5 scrap I bought off of eBay. A piece that small is just going to take a long time to get going again. Mine took months to show real progress.

I doubt you need more light. If I were you, I'd get some guppy grass or hornwort for the fry to hide in while you wait for the moss. They grow much faster.

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