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Filter gph

Michele brown

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I watched a few of Cory’s videos on beefing up filters. On the hobs, does the Gph need to be 5x the size of the tank? Does it really matter on Gph, because if someone is only using sponges filters, how much Gph is it producing? I have 3 fancy goldfish in a 75gal, and trying to figure out how much Gph filter I need it, and if it really matters. 

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its nice if you can turn over the tank a couple times an hour, but ideally you would have as much filter flow as possible without the current blowing the fish around the tank. just ballpark but with a 75 id probably try for a good 200gph, but like everything in aquariums, there is seldom 1 right answer.

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Thank you. Makes sense. I have 2 sponges filters, 2 hobs, (75 and 110 Gph).  I’m new to fishing.  Now I want to minimize. Thought of going with a canister and ditching the hobs. But some are more affordable than others. Was curious how much flow I needed. I’ll be sure to get 200gph. 

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