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Looking for a Goldfish.... Is it possible to get one to fit my tank requirements


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I have always wanted a goldfish... with that said... I have a 75 gallon and other tropical fish that are calm community fish, I also have 2 assassin snails and shrimp...

Ok, is it possible to have 1 goldfish, without having my shrimp or 2 small assassin snails becoming lunch?  I have bladder snails that I am ok with the goldfish eating but I'm concerned about my shrimp and small assassin snails.  Is there a "smaller" goldfish that wont overtake my tank and not find my shrimp as yummy snacks??

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I am afraid they all grow and do so quite quickly.  I have no idea about shrimp surviving but they are fast and good at hiding so might do ok, snails will be unlikely to be able to move fast enough to keep out of the way of curious goldies. 

My other thought is that goldfish are cold water fish so not really suited to tropical community tanks.  You may have to put this wish on hold until you have a spare tank or pond to switch things around. 

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On 3/1/2022 at 11:38 AM, Patrick_G said:

I’d say no goldfish but yes to long fin Rosy barbs. They’ll be more compatible with tropical temps and other community fish. Unfortunately they might eat shrimp ☹️

Will long fin rosy barbs take  care of bladder snails.  My assassin snails are not doing that great at their assigned job.

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On 3/1/2022 at 7:02 AM, Flumpweesel said:


My other thought is that goldfish are cold water fish so not really suited to tropical community tanks.  

This is interestingly a common misconception goldfish tolerate a wide range of temperature and can make it quite fine in a tropical setting.


their appetite and growth rate are changed by temperature. But many people keep them in ponds across the world that maintain 25-28 degrees celsius. I believe it’s noted that they are more prone to fungal infection past 28 degrees.


However having that been said a 75 would only keep the fish for about 5-6 years before you were due for an upgrade. And it would likely graze on any shrimp or snail. I understand though my goldfish was the center of attention in my tank and quite lovable despite eating a $100 anubias (it was 4 feet long) to the nub. Hopefully you can dedicate a pond or tank to them one day😊 

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On 3/1/2022 at 4:38 PM, Patrick_G said:

yes to long fin Rosy barbs.

These I have a few and they do have a lot of the goldie charm, in a much smaller package.


On 3/1/2022 at 7:07 PM, Biotope Biologist said:

goldfish tolerate a wide range of temperature

Thanks for the update I've always been advised they are happier in temperate tanks (admittedly not cold). 

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Goldfish like to cause trouble and can be destuctive.  They will try to eat everything including plants, snails, shrimp.  If you want to keep them, you should consider getting a dedicated goldfish tank.  I only have two goldfish, so I can't speak to other fish as tankmates.

Regarding the temperature, I keep my goldfish at room temp, but I've seen videos where people keep them as high as 74 or 75 degF.  It does speed up their matabolism and they would probably grow faster at higher temps.


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The only issue with goldfish in warmer temps is oxygen. Warmer water holds less oxygen and they're typically pretty big fish who need a lot of oxygen. I wouldn't rely on one for snail control though. If control of snails is your goal, then a loach or two would be a better option. They won't bother the plants. Smaller loaches probably won't eat the shrimp (at least the adult shrimp), And they can have some pretty neat personalities.

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On 3/1/2022 at 10:23 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

Just was watching Luke’s Goldie's and he indicated he’s keeping his at 75-78. 

If you are looking for a plant friendly and bright water puppy there are plenty out there. I think you have taken the tropical community tank fork In the road and a goldfish tank is a whole other ball of wax. 

Off-topic, but I love Luke's Goldies. I definitely withered and crumbled to dust a little when I realized he's only 21 (wow!) but I find him strange and hilarious in a good way. He loves all his animals so much.

Edited by laritheloud
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