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Opinions wanted


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Ok I'm trying to build a 125g congo tank  I've been doing research and I'm wanting to know opinions on the following fish, Trying to narrow down a list and stocking numbers while I set up their home.

African banded barbs 
Yellow fin congo tetra
Blue diamond congo tetra
Orange flash congo tetra
Cherry red congo tetra 
Congo tetra 
Anomalochromis thomasi
Pelvicachromis subocellatus matadi 
Pelvachromis taeniatus moliwe
Pelvachromis taeniatus nigerian red Pelmatochromis Thomasi 
Banded Bushfish
Leopard Bushfish
Microctenopoma ansorgii 
Spiny Eel




Edited by Lex
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  • 6 months later...

Hi, looks like a good mix, as long as tank is large enough. Keeping some Anomalochromis thomasi at moment really nice fish, good community, but a bit aggressive when breeding. heres female too.



Edited by courtney jrs
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I would keep a minimum of 6-8 Anomalochromis thomasi 30 tetras from 3 different species my favourite would be Congo tetra blue diamond Congo tetra and cherry red Congo tetra and a couple of spiny eels and and couple of synodontis nigriventris the up side down Catfish

Edited by Colu
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