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Bacopa Carolina looking bleached at tips in medium light tank

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I planted this by Bacopa Carolina about a month ago and it’s thriving but as it gets about 2/3 of the way up into the tank it’s looking bleached at the leaves i would not say yellow…

The tank light is on eight or nine hours a day broken into two seperate episodes one 3 hours and one 5 hours

NICREW full spectrum  planted tank LED

C89D274C-5DCD-4D30-AC24-5D3917F11CA3.jpeg.b43c1182c7353c30a60fe897d4436cda.jpeg20 watts on a 29 gallon tank


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Im using root tabs on other plants and dose occasionally with easy green but tend to bet black beard and hair algae🤢 

As I understand it I need to do more water changes if I’m going to use fertilizers. 
i have hard water and ph is 7.5+/-

im thinking too much light the stems are turning a bit bronze as well

Not really the look im after 

I love the way the plant looks otherwise I’m thinking of getting some more and putting in an area that’s a little more shaded


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These look good to me, Carolina develop red at the tips with higher amounts of iron, and you shouldn't need to buy more. Just lop the tops off and replant the trimmings! Both stems will regrow! Here is a picture of mine before I clear cut my tank. Also fyi, I planted in shaded areas and they definitely like the bright spots the best! 


If you look closely youll see my pesky hair algea problem.... 




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On 2/18/2022 at 9:48 PM, Linda4fish said:

I planted this by Bacopa Carolina about a month ago and it’s thriving but as it gets about 2/3 of the way up into the tank it’s looking bleached at the leaves i would not say yellow…

The tank light is on eight or nine hours a day broken into two seperate episodes one 3 hours and one 5 hours

NICREW full spectrum  planted tank LED

20 watts on a 29 gallon tank

Hi @Linda4fish

It is definitely nutrient related and since it is happening to your newer growth it is likely one of the immobile nutrients that have insufficient availability. 

What root tabs are you using and are you dosing per the instructions?  When was the last time you added some.

You indicated your pH is about 7.5 do you know any other water parameters like dKH, dGH, or nitrates?

How "occasionally" are you doing Easy Green?  Are you dosing per the instructions? -Roy

Edited by Seattle_Aquarist
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KH 180, GH  300

Nitrate: 20 1 day after H20 change30%

Easy Green 2 weeks ago 2 squirts in 29 gallon tank way too much… BB & hair algae took off:(

aqu co-op root tabs 2 in the amazon sword a month ago and 1 today to the cripts

Going real easy on the fertilizers because of propencity for black beard and hair algae
 Ive wondered about trying easy carbon? Vs more water changes?… im so pressed for time to do it

If I don’t fertilize it all the plants just don’t grow

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On 2/20/2022 at 2:23 PM, Linda4fish said:

KH 180, GH  300

Nitrate: 20 1 day after H20 change30%

Easy Green 2 weeks ago 2 squirts in 29 gallon tank way too much… BB & hair algae took off:(

aqu co-op root tabs 2 in the amazon sword a month ago and 1 today to the cripts

Going real easy on the fertilizers because of propencity for black beard and hair algae
 Ive wondered about trying easy carbon? Vs more water changes?… im so pressed for time to do it

If I don’t fertilize it all the plants just don’t grow

Hi @Linda4fish

Your nitrates are fine, and it is OK to cut back somewhat on you dosing of Easy Green, a small squirt once a week and see how that works, ideally about 20 ppm of nitrates just before your water change.  Possibly you have a well stocked tank and they are generating nitrates as well.

When I first saw your photo I figured it was either insufficient available nitrogen or insufficient available iron which are the most common causes of chlorosis (yellowing) of new growth.

Other than the small squirt once a week on the Easy Green keep using the tabs as you have been but how about putting one tab under the Bacopa as well.  Lastly, because the iron in Easy Green is basically unavailable with a pH of 7.5 I want you to start dosing Seachem Iron which is made from ferrous gluconate and is more easily absorbed by plants when the pH is above 6.8.  Dose 1/2 capful 2X per week.  If we are on the right path you should see improvement in new leaves after 2-3 weeks.  DO NOT WATCH EXISTING LEAVES, THEY WILL NOT CHANGE SIGNIFICANTLY.  Watch the new leaves as they emerge, they should show a healthy green color if iron is the reason for the chlorosis of your new growth.  Please keep us posted as things progress, -Roy

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