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I read Vinland Saga 6, then Boy's Life by Robert McCammon.  I have not ready any McCammon before, but I thought it was wonderful, I'll certainly read more of his work in the future.  Then I read Vinland Saga 7... it's just a good series, I'm almost embarrassed to be enjoying a glorified "comic book" so much... haha  

I'll finish up Stephen King's 'Salems Lot here in the next few days.  I am actually embarrassed that I have not read this book, as SK is my favorite author and his Dark Tower series is my favorite fantasy series and I guess that means I know quite a bit about The Lot before I even cracked the cover... but as pretty much always with King, the journey is the best part.  In any event, I am not sure what I will read next.  I don't have Vinland Saga 8 yet.  I did just get Diana Walstad's Ecology of the Planted Aquarium, but that will probably be something I read in chunks, not just a nightly sit down and read kind of deal.  This year I will also read SK's The Stand... another embarrassing omitted notch on my SK belt!  But before that I should also get through another Wheel of Time book.  So much to read... so little time!


How did you like The Hobbit, @Theplatymaster?

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On 2/15/2023 at 8:11 AM, Theplatymaster said:

@jwcarlson the hobbit was pretty good,the ending was similar to the ending of the phantom tolbooth.  im in the beginning of the 2nd lord of the rings book now, i think its called 2towers or something like that.

You're well on your way to full fantasy inoculation!  Love to see it! 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just finished "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" for the I don't know how many times I've read it. Why? To keep up with the evolution of why books are banned over time. It was banned because of inappropriate words and its questioning of religion. Words like, "hell" "damn" "bloody" and "idiot" and phrases like, "for God's sake" 

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On 2/25/2023 at 8:00 AM, JJenna said:

To keep up with the evolution of why books are banned over time.

That is a fascinating topic!  And timely, though too political for here I suspect.  But I too have a fascination with banned books, no matter who has banned them, and for whatever reason.  The concept and fear of ideological contagion seems to be a human one that all people are subject to across time and place.  How powerful is writing!

On a completely different note, I've just finished "Dirt to Soil" a book about regenerative agriculture written by the champion of the movement in the States, Gabe Brown, who runs a ranch in North Dakota.  Good book and had me thinking about everything from how I choose my food, to the Farm Bill.  Some of his "facts" could have used sources, but all-in-all I'd recommend it to anyone who is interested in food production or agriculture.

I'm currently reading "Eager" a book about the landscape shaping scale of beavers in North America.  My wife appears in a book of the authors, and I wanted to read some of his work.  It's an interesting book.  Probably a bit longer than it needs to be, and his prose gets a bit flowery for me at times.  But, if ever you question the ability of creatures to change the landscape and larger scales, this is a good read.

Lastly, awhile ago I read "Beyond Measure" a history of measurement.  Sounds dull, but I really liked it!  Unless you are absolutely deep in your soul opposed to the metric system, then this book is really cool.  It gave me a whole new perspective on so many otherwise seemingly out of place things in our world.  And it's surprising how tied into the political history of the civilization measurement is.

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On 2/18/2022 at 1:30 PM, YeePuffer said:

Call of Cthulhu by HP Lovecraft

Still new to reading as a hobby so I'm starting by going through some of the classics. Pretty sure At The Mountains of Madness is still going to be my favorite Lovecraft story by the time I'm finished with it though since Cthulhu is spending time with drawing out backstories on characters I just don't care about.  

I would love to visit his grave in Rhode Island.


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I recently read the first Sandman compilation and Vinland Saga 8.  I like Vinland... Sandman, I don't know.  It felt like I missed something critical before the book I read.  I just started Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clark and I am 10 pages in and going to have to give up.  I can't force myself to even try reading it. 

 Not sure why. 

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I punted on Childhood's End, I think I made it 40 pages... just wasn't for me.  I finished Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy this morning, it was entertaining.  I have no idea what I'm going to read next, but I pulled David Peace's Nineteen Seventy-Four off the shelf this morning.  Don't know if I'll stick with that or not.  It was 5 AM and I needed to get the fish fed, dogs fed, and myself off to work. 😄  So will have to review the shelf again.  I might have to dip back into The Wheel of Time... feels like it's about time.

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I’m reading Ahab’s Rolling Sea … A Natural History of Moby Dick. Which is interesting from a fish keeper / naturalist perspective. The author references contemporary books to Melville as well as modern science. Fun to read in bits. And a medieval murder mystery that kinda dragging so I may not finish it.

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I'm reading The Fireman by Joe Hill for a book club. I'm not loving it, and probably won't be able to finish it before we meet. (It's over 700 pages and it's been a busy month.)

I'm also reading Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb, which is much more interesting.

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On 3/28/2023 at 1:49 PM, Katherine said:

I'm reading The Fireman by Joe Hill for a book club. I'm not loving it, and probably won't be able to finish it before we meet. (It's over 700 pages and it's been a busy month.)

I'm also reading Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb, which is much more interesting.

I listened to The Fireman and I thought it was... OK.  I wouldn't have liked to read it, I don't think.  Joe Hill isn't quite as enjoyable of a writer as his father, in my opinion.  But it's got that just good enough to not make me completely give up on it curse.  I've listened to a few of his books.  The only other one that stick in my mind was NOS4A2 which I had similar feelings about.


I finished David Peace's Nineteen Seventy-Four last night and started Nicholas Eames' Kings of the Wyld.  I'm not too far into it yet, but it's an interesting premise.

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On 3/28/2023 at 2:08 PM, jwcarlson said:

Joe Hill isn't quite as enjoyable of a writer as his father, in my opinion.

I'm not a huge Stephen King fan either. 🤷‍♀️ I really enjoyed The Stand about 15 years ago, and read 11/22/63 in 2019. I've DNFed several others.

I don't think I'd still be reading The Fireman if it wasn't for a book club. I do try to finish those even if I really dislike them (which I don't this one, it's just not quite keeping my interest).


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