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White spot on head=bite mark


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Results of drop test:

Ph ~8.2 

ammonia less than .25

nitrite between .25 and .5 

nirates ~ 30

kh and gh I quit after 20 drops with no reaction

I need help IDing this spot and what medication will be effective. He lives in a 55 long with 4 other sunsets and 3 baby peppered corys. Some plants no snails, they all just finish a round of quantine in ichx. I am trying to fix a nitrite spike before starting them on maracyn, since I’m currently running carbon and purigen to help lower it, plus daily 20% water changes.

just noticed this on his head tonight, not sure if it’s body fungus or something else. It’s slightly raised but not fuzzy and not pulsing like ick, and I don’t see little thin lines floating from the spot. I’m not sure if the redness around the spot is inflammation or just regular coloring. Still eating and swimming like normal. Currently in a level 1 salt bath while i look for the right meds to treat.  Not sure if I should put him back with the others if it’s bacterial and threat them all with maracyn.

didn’t want to stress him out to much with handling but I’ll try for better pictures tomorrow.

Edited to update: white mark is scale damage, just witnessed the honeys playing tag and pecking another little guy. He’s in the salt bath bucket with the first one while his head heals too. 


Edited by Ujaynme
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This is more than likely caused by a water quality I would keep up with daily water changes and add prime to detoxify any nitrites or ammonia and add an extra air stone as higher levels of desolved oxygen speed up the healing process in the meantime salt will help  it could be bacterial with the reddening I think getting your nitirtes and ammonia to zero to will go a long way to resolve what's going on

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