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Shrimp and Snail Sunday - Show Off Your Invertebrates!


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I keep pink ramshorns in all my tanks. I love them so much, they have their own 5 gallon.



I had more shrimp a few years ago, but all I have left now are these wild-types that USED to be blue dream neocaridina. X3 (I was too lazy to keep on top of culling and now this is what they are!)


I'm thinking of getting some nice shrimp soon. I've had blue and yellow. Maybe it's time for some nice reds.

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I needed some cherry shrimp and I was pretty sure some must have gone down the standpipe in the big tank out to the outdoor pool. It has been cold here recently so I had to bust through ice on the top to put a net in. Yep, cherry shrimp were outside, underneath ice and doing just fine.


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Also in the same aquarium as the glassworm above is this big dragonfly larva from the genus Anax in the Aeshnidae family and  because this bad boy is about 2" long it is more likely to be the predator than the prey.


This should give @Alesha nightmares for a while.🙂

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6 minutes ago, Daniel said:


This should give @Alesha nightmares for a while.🙂

Well, grrrrrosssss!!! 😆 It DOES give me nightmares. Blech! 

I think I have another one of these critters, too, in my 20 long. I tried unsuccessfully to capture it, then haven't spotted it for a while. This is the tank with the red-tail botia, so I'm hoping maybe Peek-a-Boo ate the creepy thing! 

And really it wouldn't be so disgusting if I hadn't read that they actually breathe through their butt. Now, c'mon, that's just revolting! 😝

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10 minutes ago, Alesha said:

And really it wouldn't be so disgusting if I hadn't read that they actually breathe through their butt. Now, c'mon, that's just revolting! 😝

Well...inquiring minds want to know, what does respiring through your anus look like? Here is a short video I just shot.


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