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Shrimp and Snail Sunday - Show Off Your Invertebrates!


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3 minutes ago, Daniel said:

Wow! I learn something new on the forum everyday!

Yep, I've never seen that before and I didn't notice it until I posted these pictures.  Those are (were) the only two snails in that aquarium.  I ended up taking the male out because he was on the female close to everyday for a couple of weeks.  The female was much more pretty and I didn't want her to get too stressed out and die.  Also when the first picture was taken, she had already laid about 5 clutches of eggs and I didn't want anymore.

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Hey everyone  

i never seen this before last night when my daughter called me then sent this video of the albino mystery snail I gave. Even when they lay eggs it’s done at a snails pace lol

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Well its not Sunday but I just got my order of 3 blue ramshorn snails (got an extra one in the bag, too!) They've been acclimated and are now in the tank - the very first purchased fauna (tons of snails in there that came in on plants). They're just now starting to come around from their long plane and truck ride. I've named the biggest one (the one on the rock) Frank. 20201027_103333.jpg.9410d98effdf1c81d03773f0ef7e92c5.jpg20201027_103339.jpg.9807c5dc7079adcecf30f42186cc00b8.jpg


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