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White Cloud Behavior


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Just an interesting observation. I originally cycled my tank with a few White Clouds - about 5 years ago.  For the last year or so, through natural attrition, there is only one left.

I know they like to hang out in groups, but I don’t want any more White Clouds, so just letting it live out it’s life.  It now schools with the Neons - always hanging out among them & they don’t seem to mind at all.  I guess it has been adopted…

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from what I understand, most fish will do this, even bettas. The reason is due to the fact that shoaling fish have a higher chance of seeing predators before a single individual could. 

Basically, it's like hanging out with the bullied kids, since they'll be able to spot out a bully before you can.

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I had the same thing happen with my original white clouds.  Ended up with one left who lived out its life with the neons for over a year after the others died.  Right now I have an emerald dwarf rasbora that apparently got mixed in with my order of ember tetras (as juveniles they look the same), and he seems to just hang as part of the school (though he is more skittish than the embers).  Glad they seem to get along with their adpotive families!

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