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Bettas and PH


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My tap ph is 8.2. Over the years I've had bettas in this and they never seemed to thrive. Just poor appetite mostly.  Several years ago I switched to having fluval stratum and haven't had many issues since.  I'm guessing my stratum started to wear out my ph has gradually increased back to 8.2 over the last couple weeks. The glowlight tetras are acting normally but the betta has minimal appetite and is less active.  No signs of illness. Coincidence or should I redo the stratum? It's a pain and causes algae so I wanted rid of it but I also don't want the betta issues again...20220128_063749.jpg.2f628bd15607f4e4b34bb92fbce74d73.jpg I'm going to give it some time but thoughts?

Ph 8.2 nitrates 10 nitrites 0 ammonia 0 gh 300 alkalinity 120 temp 80

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How old is the betta--as old as the substrate?  He could just be getting older?  I've kept mine in 8.2 PH for about 3 years with no apparent health issues.  He is also seeming to slow down at this point, and I've been thinking old age, but others may have a different opinion.

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Actually he is pretty young less than a year. Our old betta developed a rumor and passed away in November. He was the one I tried the stratum with and did so much better. Just not sure if it was coincidence or stratum making the difference. The new one Bandit is typically a big eater and waiting for me. I've watched him for about a week now and he's just barely eating/spitting things out. Not even after the frozen food. I'm hoping the pig is just constipated. 🤣

I ordered more stratum to have on hand just in case. My substrate is a stratum mix but I typically keep a couple handfuls in my bucket and age it and it drops the ph that way so I may be able to just get by with that lowering the ph...it's a careful process. That stuff will drop your ph from 8.2 to 7 overnight 

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