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Here to Journal My Bad Ideas

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Hello all,

I've only been keeping home aquariums for 3 or 4 years but I've been working with fish professionally for close to a decade now. I spent eight of those years assisting in aquaculture research and breeding various endangered fish at a university. More than a year ago however I transfered into the private sector to raise sturgeon.

At home for the past few years I've been breeding mostly CPDs, Rosey Loaches, Black Tiger Dario, Medaka Ricefish, Sparkling Gouramis, and Panda Guppies in my unheated closet in northern California.

In an recent stroke of luck, I was able to move my tanks out of the closet after coming across a large pile of scrap wood behind a dumpster. You see, I'm cheap as @#$&. After piling that heap of other man's trash into my poor Prius and the obligatory six months of procrastination (I'm also lazy), the rack is built and the tanks moved into the dining room. Still needs work though.


In the backyard I have a solar recirculating system I built from mostly scrap parts and some repaired 50, 75, and 300 gallon aquaculture tanks. Right now it's stripped down and in the planning stage of being reconfigured.

I also really like figuring out live feed. Currently I'm experimenting with ways to push my blackworm cultures into overdrive.

So, why am I here? Well, I've been looking for a good place to journal my constantly changing fish keeping practices. Why are they constantly changing? Because I have a short attention span and too much free time. And I recently realized that, if I kept records ...or actually looked at the records and data I do keep, then maybe I'd learn something. So after the obligatory six months of procrastination, I made an account and here I am.

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Welcome!  Will be great to have your experience and expertise here!

BTW, here is what I took away when I read your post:

On 1/24/2022 at 11:55 PM, modified lung said:

In an recent stroke of luck, I was able to move my tanks out of the closet after coming across a large pile of scrap wood behind a dumpster. You see, I'm cheap as @#$&.

Resourceful. Nice!

On 1/24/2022 at 11:55 PM, modified lung said:

After piling that heap of other man's trash into my poor Prius and the obligatory six months of procrastination (I'm also lazy), the rack is built and the tanks moved into the dining room.

Contemplative.  Excellent!

On 1/24/2022 at 11:55 PM, modified lung said:

I also really like figuring out live feed. Currently I'm experimenting with ways to push my blackworm cultures into overdrive.

Great!  I absolutely want to do this, too.

On 1/24/2022 at 11:55 PM, modified lung said:

I have a short attention span and too much free time.

He's willing to experiment and make an effort at it.  Perfect!

On 1/24/2022 at 11:55 PM, modified lung said:

So, why am I here? Well, I've been looking for a good place to journal my constantly changing fish keeping practices.

And you are going to share what you are up to with us.  This couldn't get any better!!!!

Welcome.  You are in good company here!

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On 1/29/2022 at 5:14 AM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

Welcome!  Will be great to have your experience and expertise here!

BTW, here is what I took away when I read your post:

Thanks. Sometimes I like to lace my writing in sarcasm. Idk if it's more entertaining to read but it's more entertaining to write. 😁

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On 1/24/2022 at 10:55 PM, modified lung said:

Hello all,

I've only been keeping home aquariums for 3 or 4 years but I've been working with fish professionally for close to a decade now. I spent eight of those years assisting in aquaculture research and breeding various endangered fish at a university. More than a year ago however I transfered into the private sector to raise sturgeon.

At home for the past few years I've been breeding mostly CPDs, Rosey Loaches, Black Tiger Dario, Medaka Ricefish, Sparkling Gouramis, and Panda Guppies in my unheated closet in northern California.

In an recent stroke of luck, I was able to move my tanks out of the closet after coming across a large pile of scrap wood behind a dumpster. You see, I'm cheap as @#$&. After piling that heap of other man's trash into my poor Prius and the obligatory six months of procrastination (I'm also lazy), the rack is built and the tanks moved into the dining room. Still needs work though.


In the backyard I have a solar recirculating system I built from mostly scrap parts and some repaired 50, 75, and 300 gallon aquaculture tanks. Right now it's stripped down and in the planning stage of being reconfigured.

I also really like figuring out live feed. Currently I'm experimenting with ways to push my blackworm cultures into overdrive.

So, why am I here? Well, I've been looking for a good place to journal my constantly changing fish keeping practices. Why are they constantly changing? Because I have a short attention span and too much free time. And I recently realized that, if I kept records ...or actually looked at the records and data I do keep, then maybe I'd learn something. So after the obligatory six months of procrastination, I made an account and here I am.

I had to chuckle, you just described neurodivergent functioning to perfection, with the exception of the lazy part.

I doubt that you are lazy, as I have yet to meet anyone who actually meets the criteria once confounding data is taken into account. 

Welcome to the forum, and yes!

Much easier to get accurate results when a journal is employed. 

~Fellow ND nerm

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On 1/29/2022 at 8:42 PM, Torrey said:

I had to chuckle, you just described neurodivergent functioning to perfection, with the exception of the lazy part.

I doubt that you are lazy, as I have yet to meet anyone who actually meets the criteria once confounding data is taken into account. 

Welcome to the forum, and yes!

Much easier to get accurate results when a journal is employed. 

~Fellow ND nerm

To quote the very old psychiatrist that diagnosed me with ADHD, "I've never seen results like this outside of a textbook."

When I say lazy what it really means is stuck in the planning phase, distracted by other things, or the thought of doing it fills me with rage inducing levels of boredom.

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On 1/29/2022 at 9:21 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@modified lungwelcome to the forum, official nermdom, and congratulations on a sweet fish rack.

As the father of a child with ADHD and spouse of a wife with it as well I very much appreciate your process! 

Best of luck on this venture and look forward d to following. 

My wife and kid both have it too. On a totally and completely unrelated note, the grass hasn't been cut in 3 months.

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On 1/29/2022 at 10:07 PM, modified lung said:

To quote the very old psychiatrist that diagnosed me with ADHD, "I've never seen results like this outside of a textbook."

When I say lazy what it really means is stuck in the planning phase, distracted by other things, or the thought of doing it fills me with rage inducing levels of boredom.

See! Confounding factors 😁

Also: occasionally frozen in the "I don't have everything I need, therefore it won't perfectly match my image, therefore I can't start yet" combined with "I am not hungry until after I force myself to take a bite and oh god I should have eaten 4 hours ago, now I can finally brain"

On 1/29/2022 at 10:38 PM, modified lung said:

My wife and kid both have it too. On a totally and completely unrelated note, the grass hasn't been cut in 3 months.

ORD 🤣🤣🤣

Hard relate

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