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Hey my name is TJ. I'm looking to set up a new 29gal community tank. My plan is to get a 10 gal quarantine tank started first so I can safely add fish to my display tank as they are ready.  So I'm thinking of khuli loches as my clean up crew. Then some black phantom tetras with furcata rainbows or green rasboras for my schooling fish. Next I like peacock gudgeons for my centerpiece fish. And if possible half beaks for a top dweller. My question is how many of each should I stick with? As well what should I start with and should I stock them in a certain order to help keep my tanks bioload to a "healthy" level. 


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I’ve not kept some of these so I can’t help with stocking numbers. I can help with addition order. The shyest most peaceful easiest going are first. The most territorial and or potentially aggressive are last. The mid order is by those two measurements. I hope that helps. 

Welcome to the forum. 

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I can provide input on black phantom tetras and green raspboras. The black phantom tetras are very beautiful fish and surprisingly easy to keep. So long as you get a good stock they are about as hardy as well bred neons or pristella's. The green rasboras can be pretty cool although they appear kind of dull against green plants, like the above fish green rasboras are relatively hardy.

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I had furcatas in highschool so you know they are quite hardy. One of the few rainbows where you don’t have to alter your water chemistry if you have soft neutral/acidic water. They really enjoy heavily planted tanks and having surface plants will make sure they don’t jump out of the tank in excitement. Easily excitable fish especially around food time. The males also do a fun dance with their fins to get female attention. I’ve had them lay eggs but never actually complete the breeding process.


I have also kept halfbeaks and I would definitely have surface plant cover for them and a tight fitting lid. If you don’t want surface plants emersed plants or even a pothos trailing along the water will keep them from jumping. They are very timid and like to feel safe.


my advice would be to stick to one schooling fish for mid level and one for top/mid. If you do gudgeons go with contrast like the green rasboras or phantom tetra. The furcata and gudgeon have similar colors and finnage so they will clash. If you really like furcatas personality because they are rambunctious, I’d go with a different centerpiece fish. A challenge would be a pair or harem of black darter tetra, but something easier could be a pair of smaller gourami.


as for numbers:

8-10 schooling

1-3 centerpiece 

6 halfbeaks

as many kuhlis as your bacteria will allow (maybe 6?)

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