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Setting up sponge filters


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Just starting to use sponge filters and having a little trouble keeping the air just going through the top. I have two nano two tanks (five gallon and ten gallon). I am using the Ziss air stone in the filters. I have an aquarium co op nano sponge filter in the five gallon and a small aquarium co op sponge filter in the ten gallon. The ten gallon seems to be working fine and looks like it is removing a good bit of the particles in the tank. In the five gallon, the nano filter does not seem to be doing as well not bringing as much of the particles in the tank to it. I have watched the video by aquarium co op and both of the filters have an occasional large air bubble coming up from the sponge. Both filters look level and the bubbles do not come out of the same side every time. The amount of air coming off the top is pretty steady and moderately full, putting about half of the possible air that my pumps are able to put out. The pumps that I am using are top fin's air pumps both ratted for each of the tanks. Is this something that I should be concerned with or what adjustment could I do the fix this?

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