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Amazon Puffer in a 80 Gallon Guppy Tank?

Andrew Puhr

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I just impulse bought an Amazon Puffer (I know, I know). Figuring out the best option for him/her after they get out of quarantine. I currently have an empty 20 Hex that I could put them with dithers in it but that seems a little small. I have a 55 gallon tank but it has angels and black/dalmation mollys so I think he would be out competed. I have an 80 gallon Guppy Tank (4' L x 2' W x 1' H) that is heavily planted with lots of rock and decor that I think would be a better fit and since it is a breeding tank there are plenty of snails to munch on and things to explore. Is this a bad idea? 

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2 minutes ago, Andrew Puhr said:

Do either of you think a 20 Hex with some Dithers will do well until he gets closer to full size? 

Yes, he should be fine there. 

I have heard (but never tried myself) that they will nip an angelfish fins as well, so he might not be such a great choice for your 55 gallon 

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