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Is my Golden Barb fat, pregnant, or sick?

Green Bananas

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So my Golden Barb is looking pretty plump. It’s behavior hasn’t changed but it’s belly is looking larger than normal. I’ve attached a picture of it. Could she be pregnant, sick, or just obese? Any input would be helpful. Thanks in advance!

water parameter

PH: 7.0 - 7.2

Temp: 77

KH: 60

GH: 75

Nitrate: 0

Nitrite: 0


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Looks like it belly scales are pineconing it might just be my eyesight if it is i more than likely Dropsy and would Qarantine and treat with aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon that will help reduce the fluid buildup and kanaplex in food you can also add metroplex to the water column when using kanaplex in food as metroplex treat's anaerobic bacteria that can cause Dropsy if it's not got pineconing it could be constipated or egg bound in that case Epsom salt bath 1 table spoon for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes 2-3 times a day will help as eposm salt acts as a muscle relaxants

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Quick question pineconing would refer to scales flaring outward correct? If so, then that doesn’t seem to be the case. She is also swimming and eating normal so would that rule out dropsy? Also if I do an epsom salt bath and she is just egg bound would it have a negative effect on the eggs? Sorry for all the questions I tried looking things online and it was like drinking through a firehouse with contradicting answers. Thanks again for the help! @Colu

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If she has no pineconing you could fast her for a couple see if she passes anything just in case its constipation to see if the bloating goes down if it doesn't I would try the Epsom salt bath  if she egg bound the egg would more than likely not be viable any way so  I wouldn't worry about the Epsom salt effecting the eggs

Edited by Colu
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