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Two stocking ideas for two tanks- advice and plant suggestions?


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Once I move across the country, I have two tanks waiting for me there- and 83 gallon and a 30 gallon! I am so excited about them, and of course I am going crazy planning and having fun with ideas. I wanted to share my ideas with this group here! I'm planning to safely overstock, I don't like empty tanks. Both will be medium-heavy planted with ferts but no co2. 

83 gallon: 2 pairs german blue rams, 12 sterbai corydoras, 20 kuhli loaches, 25 cardinal tetras, 20 rummynose tetras (or possibly 25 black neons... I see them at my LFS and love them). Will run at 84 degrees with a fluval fx4 filter, mostly sand substrate with planting substrate in certain spots for the plants.

30 gallon: 3 hillstream loaches, 15 dwarf chain loaches, 15 zebra/leopard danios, 12 white cloud mountain minnows, and considering a filter feeding kind of shrimp. Will run at 74 degrees, I want to make a river system with sponge intake and powerheads connected with PVC. 

I'd love feedback from you all, or photos of similar setups! The only thing I have my heart absolutely dead set on is the cories and kuhlis, but I'm pretty fond of everything else. Also, any advice on scaping these for maximum awesomeness would be appreciated. 

I'm putting a lot of thought into planting as well, since both aren't super straightforward. The big one needs plants that are ok in the warmer water, and the little one needs plants that can take the flow. I'd really love jungle val in the big one- I love the look of cardinals in it. Any other plant advice is greatly appreciated! 

I'm very excited about trying the german blue rams, because they aren't super easy. I think I've been doing this long enough to push myself past the beginner stuff 🙂 


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Hello, I actually recognized your name from another post you made on another forum a few days ago that I read haha. Nice to see that you're a Co-Op fan as well ;). Anyway, yes I am also trying to put together a stocking plan for a new tank and it is very exciting. I like the thoughts of all those loaches. After all, every real tank needs some fun bottom feeders. Val is also one of my favorite plants, especially when theres a large bunch of them. You could try getting some snails in your 83 as I find kuhlis dont eat them. I'm interested to see how this will all turn out.

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On 7/19/2020 at 1:58 PM, TheDojoMojo said:

Hello, I actually recognized your name from another post you made on another forum a few days ago that I read haha. Nice to see that you're a Co-Op fan as well ;). Anyway, yes I am also trying to put together a stocking plan for a new tank and it is very exciting. I like the thoughts of all those loaches. After all, every real tank needs some fun bottom feeders. Val is also one of my favorite plants, especially when theres a large bunch of them. You could try getting some snails in your 83 as I find kuhlis dont eat them. I'm interested to see how this will all turn out.

Well I apparently don't have my notifications enabled because just now, a month later, have I stumbled upon this response! You must be a fellow Fishlorian- nice to see the crossover! 

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