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Lowering Water Hardness and Preventing pH Crashes


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@Zac I am definitely no Discus expert, but I’m pretty sure you do not need to focus on ph as much as you think you do. I live in Florida, which has super hard water and I know of a very well known discus breeder down here. Motto is “work with what you got, rather than chase the numbers.”

If you do want to lower ph naturally, you can use driftwood and catalpa leaves. I am also aware of using peat or peat pellets in your hang on back or canister, though I do not know how much to add for the desired drop in ph. Good luck! 

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On 11/6/2021 at 12:31 PM, Zac said:

Hey guys,

My pH is around 7 and water hardness around 120ppm. What is the easiest and safest way to lower each to discus breeding levels and how do I make sure my pH doesn’t crash?


While I don't keep discus, I do use RO/DI. Our water here is liquid rock (44dGh 46 dKh)  i keep my angels fish tank around 6.8 to 7.2.  The Kh i keep around 3 to 5.  Thats enough buffer to keep the ph from crashing but still plenty soft.  You will get some people on here telling you that its not required for discus low ph unless they are wild, but to answer your question.  You can use RO/DI or Indian almond leave (catalpa leaves)   it will tan your water though.  Peet moss is another ph lowering item.  Mesh bag in your filter housing or near the power head.  It will tan the water as well.  IF YOU CHOSE RO/DI you must make sure you put some minerals back in the water.  I use equilibrium and Kent's kh buffer. Just don't add too much or you're back where you started

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