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Do you think I can breed a Bristlenose Pleco pair AND a dwarf cichlid pair in a 40 gal?

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Just a heads up when released from the cave BN babies are the size of a juvenile neo shrimp.  I threw in some vibra bites to give you a size reference. These guys were released earlier this week they have already increased their size by half.  So anything that can eat a young juv shrimp can eat the babies. 


On 10/24/2021 at 9:39 AM, Brilliance said:

I'm thinking either Bolivian/GBR, Kribensis, or Apistogramma Cacutoides.

I breed BN plecos and Kribs in a 36 gallon with no issue.  Good to have a lot of cover/areas for the fish to go, but its definitely possible.


Stopping them from breeding will be more challenging. You will lose pleco fry to the cichlids though. Even with the densest cover some fry will expose themselves and get gulped. If you want to maximize the pleco fry output, you're better off raising them on their own. 

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