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Detritus Worm Capture to feed other fish?

Doc Gonic

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Hi All,
have a Red Cherry shrimp tank that's been breeding for about a year now.
I started feeding more a few months ago to keep up with the growing population and this generated a boom in Detritus Worms.
I'm wondering, is there a reasonable way of catching them? I have some other fish in tanks that I'm sure would love to eat the extra population. 

Just something I've been pondering about,
Happy fish keeping!

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I don’t see why not. Stir them up a bit to get them in the water column. Use an airline to siphon water from shrimp tank at water change keep your finger near the opening in case shrimp get near so they don’t get sucked up.  Then strain the water through a super fine artemia sieve. Keep in mind I am just brainstorming with you here. I’ve never tried it but if you can it sounds good on paper. 🤷‍♀️

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Back in the days when my tanks had detritus worms, some of them were unintentionally collected in the dirty water bucket as a result of the routine gravel vacuuming.  Not too many, because when stirred up into the water column, the worms were very quick to get back into the substrate.  The bucket usually had a number of shrimp in it too and they were always fine with the trip. I never bothered to get the worms out of the mucky water, but fishing out the shrimp was  (and still is) time-consuming and unpleasant, since the shrimp, like the detritus worms, tend to stick to the bottom. So yes, siphoning kinda works, but not very effective, I think. 

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