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Supply Chain Disruptions are REAL!


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So I was able to get my 30 gallon for free.  I was able to get Aragonite to get my water to mimic Tanganika.  I was able to get 25 or so Apple Snail Shells.  Now, I'm having crazy trouble finding multies or similis, really any shell dweller.  Grrr.  Suggestions?  Even the online sources seem to all be sold out.  I see some things on Aquabid, but I've never shopped on there, and it just has me nervous, I guess.

My original plan was multies, possible with a couple Brichardi up higher in a slate rock formation.

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That's kind of strange, I saw Multi's at the LFS I frequent for the first time last Thursday. I'm sure she buys from a run-of-the mill wholesaler. She stocks based on what people have asked about lately, I'll bet whoever asked about them already took them home. They are way more colorful than I thought.

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On 10/23/2021 at 3:26 PM, ADMWNDSR83 said:

Even the online sources seem to all be sold out.  I see some things on Aquabid, but I've never shopped on there, and it just has me nervous, I guess

Aquabid is a safe place to buy fish. Just base your choice on the seller’s ratings.

I got multis from WetSpot a few years back. Great healthy fish. I’ve since sold a bunch on aquabid myself, as well as eBay, and am currently growing the colony back up again.

Edited by tolstoy21
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Thanks for all the info, folks!

@Manny, I'm in Maryland, just outside Baltimore.  I have two LFS near me, and plan to check them, likely next week, to explore.  The tank was brought and set up today, so it needs some time to get into the groove anyway.  Last time I was in one of them they didn't have shellies, but they may by now.

@tolstoy21, I actually am in contact with a guy with great reviews on Aquabid, but he may sell out before I'm quite ready for them, so I'm planning to keep an eye out.

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Shell dwellers are something that you don't always find in a LFS, but a good one can usually get in for you within a short time. They have seemed to grow in popularity in the last few years, so stores may start stocking them regularly. As others have said, Aquabid is a good place. Something else to check out would be to look for a local fish club. I know there are a few over your way, the Capital Cichlid Club would be a good one to look into. A lot of times at meetings there will be a small auction of fish the people have brought in to sell that they have raised, as well as could be a place to just ask if anybody local keeps what you're looking for. 

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