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Betta Aquabid Thailand Trans-shipper


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I'm setting up two 20 gallon long betta tanks (divided into 3 compartments) for my current two bettas Hondo and Cap and look forward to getting 4 more to occupy the additional spaces. I often "window shop" on Aquabid and I'm amazed at what is available from sellers in Thailand but nervous about buying from them as I don't understand how the fish could survive the trip from Thailand and arrive healthy in the US.

If allowable, please provide a rough idea what the additional cost is for the trans-shipper.

Please share your experience buying bettas from Aquabid/Thailand!

Please clue me in. (I'm a bit clueless)

Thank you!

Edited by David Olszewski
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On 10/20/2021 at 8:27 AM, sudofish said:

Sorry I can't help but this is an interesting topic. I don't understand the trans-shipping process myself.

I could wrong but i think, you buy the fish and the seller ships it to the trans shipper.  The trans shipper is authorized to import fish and gets it through customs.  Its then sent to you.

Edited by sairving
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Whatever price you're quoted is generally including the trans shipping. The trans shipper will get a wholesale size order then break it down and reship the fish to you. Bettas are a fairly safe fish for transport as they are air breathers. They tend to be shipped in minimal amounts of water. (Ridiculously small amounts of water in many cases.) Some trans shippers will re-bag the fish in fresh water while others won't. Simply Betta on YouTube has imported bettas in the past on some of her older videos. If you search for "importing bettas" on YouTube you can find more information.

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