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Betta Fish one eye white skin?


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I just got my betta fish 2 days ago from Aqua Huna. Just noticed he is got a white skin like thing on his left eye. Not sure what it is. Did he hurt himself? Or is it some kind of disease?

He is eating and active. 20 Gallon heated tank. Temperature is 82 degrees, with a sponge filter. Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite all 0. He did attack the two yellow shrimps in the tank and I moved them to a different tank this morning.



Betta 1.jpg

betta 2.jpg

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It became a white spot today. Is this getting better or getting worse? Completely beginner here so I am panicking a little. Water parameter remains the same, 0 Amonia, Nitrate and Nitrite. 81.5 - 82 degree temperature. Planted tank, he is the only fish. Shrimps were removed yesterday.





Edited by NineBees
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