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100 gallon aquaponics pond ideas in Florida Keys


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Hello All,

I recently acquired a 100 gallon rubbermaid stock tank and want to start up an aquaponics setup on my front porch. I'm searching for fish stocking ideas. I live in the Florida keys so overwintering is not a concern (average temperature at night in January is mid 60s).


stock tank.jpeg

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I am in the Tampa Bay area. My tub is 90% shaded.

I dont have any aquaponics going just fish and some aquarium plants. I have the 110 gallon tuff stuff tub from tractor supply. 

It is stocked with koi swordtails and shrimp.


For filtration I have a couple of the bigger sized sponge filters on a hose from my central air system.

My tub sits underneath the output drain for my auto water change system for my indoor tanks.

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