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Plants that both float and be planted?

Lexi B

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On 9/23/2021 at 3:08 AM, Lexi B said:

Pretty dumb question. Can you treat "floating plants" the same as a water column feeder such as anubias or java Fern? Water wisteria is particularly in question here. 

Im planning to set up a tank with an inert substrate, and don't know if that limits my options down too much. 

Wisteria grows fantastic for me clipped to the wall with a suction cup. My tanks are mostly bare bottom or less than an inch of inert gravel. Many plants do very well without being rooted. Here are plants that do well for me not actually having roots in substrate

variou swords, ludwiga repens, cardinal, Brazilian pennywort, anubias, Java fern, anacharis elodes, Chinese water fern, moneywort, lemon bacopa, water sprite only grows floating for me I tried planting it once 😕.

last week I glued sprite, wisteria, elodea, 8 sword plants anubias and Java fern to terra cotta pots…hopefully I didn’t just kill them, I also purchased several other types of ludwiga, scarlet temple and pogostemons jury is still out if they will thrive unplanted but so far they seem fine. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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On 9/23/2021 at 2:22 AM, Guppysnail said:

Wisteria grows fantastic for me clipped to the wall with a suction cup. My tanks are mostly bare bottom or less than an inch of inert gravel. Many plants do very well without being rooted. Here are plants that do well for me not actually having roots in substrate

variou swords, ludwiga repens, cardinal, Brazilian pennywort, anubias, Java fern, anacharis elodes, Chinese water fern, moneywort, lemon bacopa, water sprite only grows floating for me I tried planting it once 😕.

last week I glued sprite, wisteria, elodea, 8 sword plants anubias and Java fern to terra cotta pots…hopefully I didn’t just kill them, I also purchased several other types of ludwiga, scarlet temple and pogostemons jury is still out if they will thrive unplanted but so far they seem fine. 

Wow! I didn't realize a lot of those would grow that way! I'm still learning with planted tanks, since I just have the one 20 gal. So far I've been fortunate enough to only have killed most of a scarlet temple, but I've saved it!!

Worst case scenario, I move the wisteria into the 20 anyway. 

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