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White cotton like on plants


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I just got these plants from the site a couple days ago and it seems like I have a bacteria growth of some sort on my plants I got a Bucephalandra "Green Wavy" and the "Windelov" Java Fern it's mainly on the Java Fern I can see , but I was wanting to know what I can do , I just dropped the plants a couple a days ago I don't want to kill them trying to kill the cotton like substance16321557286353713033240049476919.jpg.a7cb1894b192d4e6e5c866df99b7e2ee.jpg

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It looks like Sponge Bob is enjoying the plant! 😁

It may just be a bit of organic matter that was on the plant that has some bacteria on it. You can probably leave it alone, but if you want to be sure, maybe just snip those pieces off. Plant should be fine. 

Also, is the tank relatively new (like a couple of months or less)? I have noticed for myself that newer tanks tend to get more of these bacteria spots that pop up now and then, especially if they don't have fish or snails yet. 

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I got the tank a bit ago  like in May maybe a bit after like June. I had fish in it the whole time but I didn't know about cycling so I really just got it cycle less then a month ago with some stability and work , I have like alot of snails atm tbh two bit apple snails/ mystery snails and a trumpet snail I think, I forgot the name that I got with some guppies that had its own crew of like 40 I finally got them down to like hopefully 10

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