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New plants rotting?


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I just planted a bocopa plant not quite a week ago from the co op and the stems have rotted away to nothing and are floating. I cut off the mushy part and I'm letting them float, hopefully allowing them time to spit out some roots. What is this happening. I have had a few plants from the co op fo that, and they don't end up making it. 


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Ive only had this happen once from the co-op. I bought a golden anubias and when I got home it was completely rotted in the rhizome. Kind of a bummer, but flash forward a year later and they made it right by giving me a new one when I explained this story when I ask to see the roots before purchasing new different plants. So my advice, contact their customer support/ talk to them in person and they can fix the issue no problem, plus you can ask to see the roots before you buy the plant (I do this all the time now) 10/10 would recommend 

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