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Display Tank After Ich X Treatment

Robert DG

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Made huge mistake - failed to quarantine new fish in new tank set up, ich showed up. I used Ich X for 5-6 days per instructions, ich on 3-4 peacock cichlids disappeared in 3-4 days. Lost some fish. Water parameters within appropriate limits during process. My question is are there any steps after treating a display tank, that should be taken, ie. disinfect entire tank, prior to purchasing additional fish in future (and of course, after learning the hardway, will be using your med trio in quarantine tank before they go into display tank). Carbon media already removed before treating, do I remove all other media and disinfect or replace ?  Is the ich in the main tank considered treated, no longer an issue per se, unless ich is re introduced ?  I am not sure how to address the main tank after treatment, what to do with the media (bacteria affected vs start over with cycling process), remove remaining fish to quarantine, treat there, and disinfect the main tank. 

Please provide some steps to follow post ich treatment to display tank. Thank you !!!!

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6 hours ago, Struggle said:

Hi Robert, after a treatment of any kind I just go back to my normal routine.

Agreed. I dont normally run carbon in my filter, so I add that in my HOB to remove any lingering medications. But in my experience you don't need to worry about ich still being in the tank and re-infecting everything. Icb takes hold when the fish are weak for some reason (change in water parameters, stress from shipping, etc.) 

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