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Found a white thin flap on fish’s gills


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Hi, I just notice that my fish has like a thin flap of white transparent with a white dot that’s sways as her gills moves (on both sides). 

is this something to be concern about? I’m trying to look at gills diseases but can’t find anything close to resemble what I say on my gourami. 

can anyone give me pointers on what direction I should look it up or has anyone seen this before?

I’ve attached photos below. It’s quite hard to take a picture to show it clearly. Let me know if you want me send more pictures 




Edited by Dee00
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On 8/23/2021 at 8:28 PM, Colu said:

It's difficult to tell of the pictures does it have cotton wool like apprance

no it does not. Yea I kinda thought so too pictures are not the best. I took a video which you can view via the link: Fish Video

On 8/23/2021 at 9:16 PM, laritheloud said:

Are there any other fish in the tank with your gourami? It COULD be a loose scale from a superficial injury. My tetras get this a lot because they nip/ram each other when they're in a breeding mood. The boys love to stress me out with their violence.

Yeah, there’s otocinclus, ember tetra, & chilli rasboras. There’s also a male gourami but their are separated by a plastic divider. 

well I hope that’s the case rather than she’s having any illness. Also this is happening to both sides of her gills. 

How likely would this be the case in your opinion? 
I know she and the Otosinculus had a history of nipping each other when their first  become tank mates. 

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Hard to say if it's on both sides of her gills. If she isn't behaving abnormally, I would just observe for a day or two and see if you can pinpoint anything worsening or getting better. It's hard to treat something if you don't know what it is!

Hopefully it is just a few mild scrapes, but if it's on both sides, that could mean she's flashing and rubbing herself against rough objects. So watch her for a bit and wait and see. You can try a water change to see if that helps her (what are your water parameters, by the way?). She's a beautiful girl, I hope you can help her!

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On 8/23/2021 at 7:51 AM, Dee00 said:

Hi, I just notice that my fish has like a thin flap of white transparent with a white dot that’s sways as her gills moves (on both sides). 

is this something to be concern about? I’m trying to look at gills diseases but can’t find anything close to resemble what I say on my gourami. 

can anyone give me pointers on what direction I should look it up or has anyone seen this before?

I’ve attached photos below. It’s quite hard to take a picture to show it clearly. Let me know if you want me send more pictures 








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On 8/31/2021 at 3:20 PM, Brandon p said:

Mine get picked on by a huge angelfish that is a huge jerk. I’ll try to take a picture in the morning. They were treated for a different reason but it should have taken care of it. I also isolated and used salt and still there

Oh wow you were able to take such a clear close up picture - what camera did you use and how are you able to get a picture like this?



Thanks @laritheloud for asking after my gourami and sorry for the slow reply. There's been a development but not with the female gourami. So far there's been no noticeable change with her – physically or behaviour wise. Let me know if there's anythings else I should keep an eye on. 

Anyway, the next day or so I notice the male gourami had like a layer of skin which reminds me of 'blister' (not cotton like) on top of his head. There's also like a hole on it so sometimes when it bugles up I reckon its when water is in it other times it can be flatter on his head. Not too sure what to make of it really. Since, I do know he likes to but his head against the plastic divider and he is the most  aggressive and territorial of the bunch. 

So I've decided to do water change with the main tank and transfer him to a hospital tank that's saturated with salt to avoid him getting infected in case he's skin is compromised.

So far there's not much change aside from the 'blister' now is just flat (at most a slight bulge) on top his head. Also just did another water change and so far my plants are flourishing and other fishes seems normal. Not the worse outcome only it left me quite puzzled. Do you think there's something I'm not doing right or have I missed any signs?

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  • 1 month later...

Final update for those who's interested:

Female Gourami
Nothing changed with her, so I reckon ya'll are right – the white flaps are most likely from nicks from other fishes/decorations.

Male Gourami
The 'blister' is gone now after quarantine in the hospital (salted) tank. He looks good and has gone back to being aggressive as usual. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and reply to this post! It has been immensely helpful in navigating these problems level-headedly. 


Have a good day and stay safe!

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