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How did you discover Aquarium Coop


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We live in the Seattle area and knew the retail store exsisted, but didn’t know about the YouTube. When we were getting ready to buy our first planted tank we started watching Irene’s channel and reading the blog. We loved the great content and assumed she was the manager of the store! On our first visit they set us straight.😀

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July 11, 2020, I was looking for some information on lighting and found Cory's video's.  He was refreshingly straight forward, and I ended up ordering plants from the Aquarium Co-Op the next day July 12.

Two days later on July 14, 2020 I get an email with an invitation to the new forum, so I joined as the 17th public member.

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Pretty sure I googled "fish forum" or "planted tank forum" or something like that. 17 or so years ago I learned a lot from a forum for goldfish keepers--it's where I learned about Walstad tanks. After my last goldfish died, I had a decade + of only bettas. This summer I decided that when gardening season wrapped up this year I would gift my betta and myself with a planted tank, but I knew I was out of practice and could use help.

Of course, once I hung around the forum and saw everyone's tanks, I couldn't wait for fall and I bought a tank within weeks. 

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I began watching the coop on YouTube about 5 years ago. I used to watch a ton of different “fish tubers” until I started eliminating most according to how much they impacted my hobby. Aquarium coop is one of 2 channels I watch now, and the second is a history channel. The coop has never let me down and they’re always trying to improve the hobby. I wish we had a Cory for the tarantula hobby as well. Thank you for 5 tremendous years. 

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I was searching  for videos on YouTube about African cichlids, a video from aquarium coop came up and I started watching then realized it was like 2 hours long and 6 years old. I turned it off because I was all about short videos on exactly what I wanted to know about. I circled back to that video about a month later and watched entire thing. Been hooked ever since. Now the live streams are my favorite and only 1 of my 14 tanks is AC rest are mostly planted with a fairly wide range of fish.

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I don’t remember exactly.  I was probably surfing aquarium/fish videos, or somebody might have mentioned ACO on a Facebook forum.  Found the website, got eh emails, tried the forum, but didn’t get hooked immediately.  Got sick of the crazy and the incredibly stupid on Facebook, tried the forum again and realized just how smart and supportive this collective was, especially compared to nearly all the Facebook forums.

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I met another local fish keeper through Facebook and we met at a big box fish store to swap some snails I bred unintentionally. He mentioned Aquarium Coop, so I checked it out as my first foray into FishTube and have been hooked since. 

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December 2020 during the pandemic my koi angelfish bred in my 100g community planted aquarium.  I found the fry as wrigglers and needed to figure out how to hatch BBS fast and found the video.  Then I started watching everything. joined the forum. Joined as a member. Totally hooked. In May I was in the Pacific Northwest and went to the store. Had the T-shirt on so got to feed Murphy.

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I think either through KG Tropicals, or one of the video's showed up on my home page after watching a KG Tropicals with my video in it. I went to the store for the plants for my first planted tank and have ordered from there multiple times since. The quality's always been great, and the YouTube gives a lot and is free. I found the forum through the store page, and browsed without an account for at least a month. After that I signed up and haven't regretted since. ACO and the community surrounding it really benefits my hobby.

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I've been telecommuting for 13 years and have been watching Youtube for everything fish, house, computer, etc related during down times. Came across the channel a number of years ago when Cory was setting up the garage with cinder blocks and such and first thing that came to my mind was "Damn I wish I had a basement to set something like that up"...been watching since. 

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