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Atitagain Fish Room


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So the process has begun, it has been a very busy week in My Aquatic Vivariums consolidating, breaking down, and cleaning. I have broke down the 29G rummynose breeding tank (will breed them in a different way) tank will become my new plant grow out, 2- 60Gs both in storage will be sold, and the 3G will be donated. Cleaned out all plants, hardscape, and fish from 2-20Gs will finish breakdown and sell both. Broke down and reset a 55G and my 125G.9E086C94-A5CB-436E-94A1-CEE37D3E35F7.jpeg.e4dad1bffdec1d073164f17009a5d5b6.jpeg

will make a detailed post on this tank probably tomorrow on the My Aquatic Vivariums journal thread. 
Still to do on the downsizing: break down 2-20Gs sell 1 and other will be a running QT other will be sold. Break down 2-10G 1 going to become snail breeding tank other going to storage for emergency purposes only. And break down and reset another 55G no final decision use/ stocking.

Edited by Atitagain
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On 10/15/2021 at 5:30 AM, Guppysnail said:

That is a lot of progress. This tank is looking great. ***patiently waiting for vivarium update to see how the plants in the grow out are doing for you***

Thank you, the grow out tank is doing good. The wisteria was doing so well I went ahead and moved it to a new home (I call it the wall of wisteria)938D660E-7ECB-4636-867C-D25EAD62F6F7.jpeg.8bfd543498c577c773611d0f56f4eed7.jpeg

and this is the sword I cut the 4 of 6 leaves off of it has really good new growth.EBEA4AA4-E590-41B5-BEDA-C0FF9E931C21.jpeg.d3413b05f7b04a0760a667cf8d6c1027.jpeg

the other swords no new growth yet same with rest of plants but everything looks healthy and that’s all I care about.1C024A9C-0353-46BA-8DA3-37E291D4E1D8.jpeg.e3548c42ff311b0b553ca6fd297ba151.jpeg

something I wanted to ask the swords all seem to be doing good after the split. There is no more melt back, how long should I keep them in QT. Until new growth? Longer? Are they ready? I’m in no hurry still, I just have the space ready for them now.

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I am so glad all your swords are doing good. For that one to send out all that new growth so quickly is awesome! I wait for new growth. That means they are strong enough to send new growth and fully recovered from my assault of chopping in half. No 2 tanks are completely identical parameters so it will have to adjust again and I want it strong to do so. I don’t have issues when I wait…other than being patient is painful to me. 

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@Atitagain you have made a lot of progress!

If you have any low tanks, I recommend plants only and maybe some really large snails.

Or... you can create a single area to safely suck all the water out. 

I have a liquid transfer pump I use for water changes out of the turtle pond (best back saver, I suck the water out of the Tetra Reptile filter/water fall so I don't accidentally suck up fish or snails😬)16343232719461358128750778342739.jpg.c641fdf6d8e8df58118340292fc24c32.jpg

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On 10/15/2021 at 2:43 PM, Torrey said:

@Atitagain you have made a lot of progress!

If you have any low tanks, I recommend plants only and maybe some really large snails.

Or... you can create a single area to safely suck all the water out. 

I have a liquid transfer pump I use for water changes out of the turtle pond (best back saver, I suck the water out of the Tetra Reptile filter/water fall so I don't accidentally suck up fish or snails😬)16343232719461358128750778342739.jpg.c641fdf6d8e8df58118340292fc24c32.jpg

Thank you, progress with help from you and the rest of this community! 

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Got a shipment of plants from ACO today some Brazilian pennywart, Java fern, and a few crypts. Also got an Anubias from local box store. I reset the 29G and made it my new plant grow out tank. It’s fairly packed, the extra 9 gallons makes a big difference.AE0A8E06-FE8A-4670-A549-C159DAF85132.jpeg.933e4abaadd697d3725b14c64a6996dc.jpeg

Also now I’m using a Fluval 3.0 for lightings so that should help.

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Brazilian pennywort 😍. Fish love this plant to play in. Once it gets going it will send roots out from every node. Don’t be afraid to cut it in several sections just below the roots of each node. For me it’s one of the plants the more I cut to get extra plants the faster it grows. Your stems in your planter look like they are growing.  I go against popular opinion on stems. I keep the long empty stem portion with some lower leaves when I trim. They send out new shoots for me. Looking good. I’m glad you are enjoying becoming an aquatic gardener 😁

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On 10/17/2021 at 5:38 AM, Guppysnail said:

Brazilian pennywort 😍. Fish love this plant to play in. Once it gets going it will send roots out from every node. Don’t be afraid to cut it in several sections just below the roots of each node. For me it’s one of the plants the more I cut to get extra plants the faster it grows. Your stems in your planter look like they are growing.  I go against popular opinion on stems. I keep the long empty stem portion with some lower leaves when I trim. They send out new shoots for me. Looking good. I’m glad you are enjoying becoming an aquatic gardener 😁

Thank you, yes the plants are a new and exciting part I never thought I’d get into. And starting to has a small amount of success is helping me stay motivated. 😀

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Another day of shuffling tanks, broke down 2-10G removed equipment and water from 3-20G fish were already moved. Drained 20G snail breeder moved and reset, but it will be broke down and snails will move to a 55G. That 55G I broke down and reset in quarantine area. Like I said I will breed the pond and bladder snails as well I will breed ivory mystery snails. Have a few fish in here too. It will also serve as a storage tank of sorts. There will be 6-8 sponge filters(various sizes), 2HOB, extra wood, rocks, coconut huts, and plant pots. All to grow beneficial bacteria. I know each won’t have much but I’ll have plenty ready if needed. And I’ll really be able to over feed and get my feeder snails back up to a good number. Those pea puffers eat more than you would think.

moved the Oscar to his new set up. It wasn’t 10 minutes in and he’s investigating and tasting the fake plants. Hasn’t pulled up anything but not a good start. 
I think I’m kinda starting to like the idea of less tanks. Even though I’m super busy swapping everything around it’s nice not having 14 tanks to manage. Don’t get me wrong when I had the time I wanted more and would have been fine with that, but here I am.

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I feel you @AtitagainIt’s weird here I have this aquarium and fish hoarding gene yet the idea of kind of shedding them and starting over smaller leaner and meaner makes me excited. For now I’ll live vicariously through you but depending on my recent luck I may end up just calling some of my breeding projects a day and cutting my losses. Would love to see your puffer tank, those round little belly’s make me smile! 

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On 10/20/2021 at 12:45 AM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

I feel you @AtitagainIt’s weird here I have this aquarium and fish hoarding gene yet the idea of kind of shedding them and starting over smaller leaner and meaner makes me excited. For now I’ll live vicariously through you but depending on my recent luck I may end up just calling some of my breeding projects a day and cutting my losses. Would love to see your puffer tank, those round little belly’s make me smile! 

Thanks so much and yes I want all my tanks back and more. But right now I have to prioritize so I can have time to keep my fish and my family happy. And in turn that is what will keep me interested instead of being overwhelmed. I’ll have to get some new pics of the puffers their in the 125G now (a little harder to track down) but here’s an oldie but goodie A4DFB637-38DC-4768-87D7-1DD311CF6CEA.jpeg.decc865dfa435413a9d1f15162b7b4db.jpeg

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Shuffling almost completed, have some clean up left to do. 2-20G and 1-10G need substrate removed and glass final clean. And 1-10G needs final glass clean. It’s crazy how much equipment, decorations, and substrate add up when you break down multiple tanks. And of course the fish, snails(yes every tank), shrimp(most every tank), and plants.

Also need to figure out what to do with bottom of tank stands. Door panels (expensive) some cheap black curtains? Problem with that is if inset like shower rod type I lose storage space, if outside like )6window rod they stick out .And of course cheap looking? Maybe not with good quality curtains and rods but then I get back into that expensive range. I’m still wanting to do a live edge shelf on the front of each stand so maybe the window style curtains are best option. Mo Money, Mo Money, Mo Money.

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I know you said doors expensive but how about meeting yourself half way and use some plywood (no idea if it has the same name for you) sheet and panel off the openings using magnet clips or those strong spring ones to make the movable.  To my mind they would look neater in now than curtains better for keeping kids and pets out if there as well. Also the wood could be used to make the doors later.  

If you painted them with blackboard paint (again you might know it by another name) the small kids can use it for chalk. 

Sorry I really have a family space in my head for you don't I. 

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On 10/21/2021 at 7:33 AM, Flumpweesel said:

better for keeping kids and pets out


On 10/21/2021 at 7:33 AM, Flumpweesel said:

If you painted them with blackboard paint (again you might know it by another name) the small kids can use it for chalk. 

Sorry I really have a family space in my head for you don't I. 

This is very true grandkids would always be trying to get behind the curtain and the chalkboard paint is a really good idea as well

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On 10/20/2021 at 9:07 PM, Atitagain said:

Shuffling almost completed, have some clean up left to do. 2-20G and 1-10G need substrate removed and glass final clean. And 1-10G needs final glass clean. It’s crazy how much equipment, decorations, and substrate add up when you break down multiple tanks. And of course the fish, snails(yes every tank), shrimp(most every tank), and plants.

Also need to figure out what to do with bottom of tank stands. Door panels (expensive) some cheap black curtains? Problem with that is if inset like shower rod type I lose storage space, if outside like )6window rod they stick out .And of course cheap looking? Maybe not with good quality curtains and rods but then I get back into that expensive range. I’m still wanting to do a live edge shelf on the front of each stand so maybe the window style curtains are best option. Mo Money, Mo Money, Mo Money.

I discovered the joys of a quality curtain (on sale) on a bamboo, and cheap 3M hooks can look incredibly elegant. In fact, I have resurrected my old system to use for Zoom backdrops that don't use extra bandwidth and keeps clients from seeing my living room for the pandemic.


I used to use the clear hooks with 3M strips under my tanks, but the white ones blend in with my ceiling a little better. We are in an apartment, and I used these for our sliding glass patio doors, too.


Just an inexpensive idea, and definitely doesn't take up space!

When I did this on the front of tank stands, I used shower curtain hooks shaped like fish and shells, so I could easily slide curtains open and closed. Bend the metal for the hooks around the bamboo, so they don't stick out very far (mine were tops 3/4" out). You might have to order the bamboo online, I don't think it's in season in the garden area right now. 1634851895672216437014740086519.jpg.2aa203336d5c86a1848e35e152111a52.jpg

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Almost done shuffling well I am done with that but it’s all the little stuff that needs finished. Coverings the bottoms of the stands is priority #1! It’s probably just me not being able to stand looking down there and not seeing tanks, but it looks so unfinished and cluttered. I just want to hide it and try to forget about it. 
Ive went from 14 to 6 tanks. I now have 125, 75, 60, 2-55, and a 29G. And if your like my wife you’ll say Brian you got rid of all the little tanks. Just like I told her “yes” A 3, 2-10, 4-20, and a 60G. Wanted to get rid of the other 60G I can’t stand these tanks just to tall for a 12” deep tank. I guess extra height is good in some ways but blaaa. To do anything but feed have to get on a stool and I would get my armpit wet if I put my fingers on the bottom glass. And who wants wet armpits? 
I think I’m gonna donate all the tanks I’m gonna get rid of. There have been some kind and generous people helping me get through the situation I’m in right now (present company included) and I think it would be a way I could start to pay it forward. I’ve had 1 picked up and another coming to get their set up this weekend. I’m giving whole sets aquarium, heater, filter, air pump, background, substrate, thermometer, decorations (if they want what I’ll part with), net, and maybe some fish (again if they want what I’ll part with)

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I think you have made wise choices.  The 60’s are not conducive to the plant direction you are moving in. At 5’2” I would need a ladder and snorkel to maintain them 🤣. I think the bamboo @Torrey suggested adds an element of interest that makes a curtain much more elegant and more intentional decorating vs just hiding something in an inexpensive manner. 

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On 10/21/2021 at 7:58 PM, Atitagain said:

@Torrey thank you, I will probably end up going with something like this. For now it’s too cheap not too. And it will do exactly what I need. The bamboo is a good cheap idea will be plenty strong and I’ve been looking at some and it’s cheap. 😀

If you make a pocket at the bottom of the curtains, and run another bamboo at the bottom, it reduces grandboos lifting the curtains and getting into things. Spouse just reminded me that I velcroed on the curtains to keep the small dog out, and the velcro makes a noise that alerts you if anyone goes exploring. 

A firm "uh-oh" followed by immediate removal from the room, and a "I make choices I learn from too, and we don't go under the tanks" was effective strategy pre-covid times for small dogs *and* visiting small children.

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On 10/21/2021 at 11:44 PM, Guppysnail said:

I would need a ladder and snorkel to maintain them

🤣🤣🤣 yea I’ve had a lot of trouble growing anything in them.


On 10/21/2021 at 11:45 PM, Torrey said:

If you make a pocket at the bottom of the curtains, and run another bamboo at the bottom, it reduces grandboos lifting the curtains and getting into things. Spouse just reminded me that I velcroed on the curtains to keep the small dog out, and the velcro makes a noise that alerts you if anyone goes exploring

such great ideas this solves a lot of problems and still keeps price down. Looks like I’m going shopping tomorrow. I am having trouble finding the bamboo that’s long enough in stock at local stores will probably have to order.


On 10/21/2021 at 11:44 PM, Guppysnail said:

adds an element of interest that makes a curtain much more elegant and more intentional decorating vs just hiding something in an inexpensive manner.

I was thinking same thing, and I plan on trying some lucky bamboo in a couple tanks so it could complement each other.


I don’t know how these messages got mixed up but…

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On 10/22/2021 at 4:45 AM, Torrey said:

If you make a pocket at the bottom of the curtains, and run another bamboo at the bottom, it reduces grandboos lifting the curtains and getting into things. Spouse just reminded me that I velcroed on the curtains to keep the small dog out, and the velcro makes a noise that alerts you if anyone goes exploring. 

A firm "uh-oh" followed by immediate removal from the room, and a "I make choices I learn from too, and we don't go under the tanks" was effective strategy pre-covid times for small dogs *and* visiting small children.

I came on here to mention velcro 😆.

Then I remembered this stuff not as elegant as the bambo but certainly a cheap solution and  use as suggested at the bottom to secure. 


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Tank shuffling and cut backs are done (for now). I’m reset mostly, just a few details and organization issues to finish. Decided to go with curtains on bottom of racks for now, thought I should go cheap because maybe in a year or so I’ll be able to add tanks back. Or I can build and add doors at anytime.The curtains are made of burlap with just a 3/8” wood rod to hang on. Not super excited about them but for what I need they turned out ok.

 Quarantine area: tank on right plant grow out (29G) on left is snail breeder and storage (55G) storage below for now will be where I set up QT when needed.A9FAF35B-36B6-4885-BDFB-39C1D79F890C.jpeg.14fb0c80bc40a21e53477897bdd567f2.jpeg

125G mostly tetra also has corys, shrimp, bristlenose, pea puffers, and a endler. This is/ will be a darkwater tank.868EA068-9EE3-4341-A24C-0A41CEC158B8.jpeg.f458773ab2ad9ccd6ec2e69fd0f387fe.jpeg

55G angelfish and platty. Plan on a lot more plants going in this tank.76FE3E08-6618-4C94-817C-B91CB9196935.jpeg.c6481343a8bc7f164a491d9b0f6808f9.jpeg

75G African cichlids and a couple bristlenose E8C38D4F-56D3-49AB-A7B6-1081057FE6F3.jpeg.1edcf24ba850dbfeb11dd9dbdc643ae9.jpeg

60G Oscar tank7838A633-56FF-4D5C-8217-87CF02FCE3B0.jpeg.316cff75de1eef4055adf1bc8236b923.jpeg

storage cabinets967C0C84-1CC7-4EA1-9C4A-AECB75B451E1.jpeg.352251019914cef196a821d7ce4efabf.jpeg

Storage cabinet on left

bbs hatchery on top left, water testing/ conditioners on top right, turkey basters/ bottled water bottom left, nets bottom right, attached to door plant care tools and fertilizers


storage cabinet on right

linear piston air pump on top right, under that is all dry foods, bottom is drills/ tools, door shelves have supplies for tannin water.


Having the space on bottom of racks for storage will give me a lot more space to help keep organized. 

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