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AQUASHELLA Chicago 2022

had an amazing day on Saturday my wife is actually having a good time as well. Lot of different vendors and YouTube creators, every time you turn your head someone is filming. On day one I had to met Cory and zenzo first, also got some very nice swag.8117177F-EB98-4C95-97B7-CA81FE7FF1F6.jpeg.0911dc886ed2e50fea5e31ca94e96746.jpeg



After that I found the wood vendor, wow what a selection. I have ordered from them off their website before but the prices here were great. Got two pieces that I think are great finds. 12DC336C-41E5-4F8C-9245-F8A4DD5E40B9.jpeg.d6875521cbf6bf9e8981ac1eae33d028.jpeg

and to finish our first day I found rummynose tetra (x20) and marble hatchetfish (x12)144FB9B5-5EB9-4D21-A389-6A3F3E52E591.jpeg.176a4e78adb6a8f41df357fcd5c104fe.jpeg

will only be there a couple hours at most on day two. Will be focusing on getting some plants and maybe back to the wood vendor. Also thinking of getting some shrimp but I’m a little worried about transporting them. Our drive is a bit over 4 hours but we’ll see. 

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@TheSwissAquarist thank you! Trying to do more updates haven’t been on it very well last few months. Have been making changes and moving fish around a lot here lately. Right now I have 20 tanks running and adding 2 more soon. Hard to say which tank is my favorite, top three can be mixed depending on mood.

1- 60G rummynose tetra (x 35-40 plus the 20 I just got at aquashella) cardinal tetra (x 10), peppered Cory (x 6)

2- 75G Oscar (8-10”) Oscar (3”) bristlenose pleco

3- 125G electric blue acara (x6), blue dwarf gourami (x2), Texas cichlid, pair of bristlenose pleco, and salt and pepper corys (x3) that I can’t catch to move to a safe tank.

my 55G river tank with rainbow shiners is what I most excited about at the moment, breeding them has been such fun!!!

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Day 2 @ aquashella 

Overall we had such a great time, we got there early both days and only stayed an hour or so today. The aquascaping contest tanks were all set up today and for the most part they looked great. The plants aren’t grown and fish mostly look stressed or atleast poor coloring. But I did see some really cool concepts that I will look into and try. All the people, creators, vendors, and workers were so friendly and informative. Learned a lot and have a few new ideas to try out. Especially excited about a way that may help me actually breed rummynose. 13AE15A2-A2DF-42F9-8FB6-DC3D7ADEC794.jpeg.c1fd4795cbf323bb8b7c1b3b1461c70e.jpeg






picked up val (6) Java fern (1) Amazon sword (1) crypts (3) and another piece of wood.

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Gonna take another try at breeding rummynose tetra. I’ve attempted this a few times with no success. Only the success of learning and experience.

PREPARATION: Tank set up will be 10G with a small amount of gravel, layer of 2-3” stones, Java moss, Indian almond leaves, an inch-ish above that a tight cut layer of plastic canvas, then above that a few large leafed Anubias, sponge filtration,  ACO 100w heater for easy adjustments, and black out-ish surround. Was talking to an egg scatter breeder, he said to drain 2/3 of tank and let it sit for a few days-week then refill slowly. This simulates the dry/ rainy seasons and this helps stimulate spawning. I will do everything I can to make this coincide with a actual rain hopefully a good storm. After spawning I will remove the parents and the canvas.

I had a set up similar to this but got impatient and ended changing tank and putting fish back with the shoal. 2M and maybe 6F is what I’ll try to start with. I’m already feeding the whole shoal really well with heavy servings of frozen foods. When I isolate my breeding group feedings will be even more accommodating to their preferences. Doing this with a bare bottom tank and spawning mops would probably be a better/ easier option but I think collecting eggs and going that route I would not be able to have time to care for them properly. 

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On 10/12/2022 at 10:47 AM, Atitagain said:

Gonna take another try at breeding rummynose tetra. I’ve attempted this a few times with no success. Only the success of learning and experience.

PREPARATION: Tank set up will be 10G with a small amount of gravel, layer of 2-3” stones, Java moss, Indian almond leaves, an inch-ish above that a tight cut layer of plastic canvas, then above that a few large leafed Anubias, sponge filtration,  ACO 100w heater for easy adjustments, and black out-ish surround. Was talking to an egg scatter breeder, he said to drain 2/3 of tank and let it sit for a few days-week then refill slowly. This simulates the dry/ rainy seasons and this helps stimulate spawning. I will do everything I can to make this coincide with a actual rain hopefully a good storm. After spawning I will remove the parents and the canvas.

I had a set up similar to this but got impatient and ended changing tank and putting fish back with the shoal. 2M and maybe 6F is what I’ll try to start with. I’m already feeding the whole shoal really well with heavy servings of frozen foods. When I isolate my breeding group feedings will be even more accommodating to their preferences. Doing this with a bare bottom tank and spawning mops would probably be a better/ easier option but I think collecting eggs and going that route I would not be able to have time to care for them properly. 

Maybe with some new stock form aquashella it might finally work!

Good Luck and keep us posted!

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  • 10 months later...

Fishroom is now office / fishroom. Took a big step back due to time management and burn-out. I now have 6 active aquariums. 3 show tanks, a cull tank, soon to be shrimp nano tank, and a QT I keep seeded with a few fish. 
125 G 

75 G 

55 G 

Excited to start a shrimp only tank. I’m using a 9G Fluval tank, only just begun making serious plans. 

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On 9/10/2023 at 9:24 AM, Guppysnail said:

Though it’s only ever temporary I really like the floating leaves in the Oscar tank. It really adds a peaceful feeling. 

I added them Friday night and they all gathered above my circulator as I pushed them away this happened. Like you said seemed peaceful 

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On 9/10/2023 at 3:19 PM, Atitagain said:

Fishroom is now office / fishroom. Took a big step back due to time management and burn-out. I now have 6 active aquariums. 3 show tanks, a cull tank, soon to be shrimp nano tank, and a QT I keep seeded with a few fish. 
125 G 

75 G 

55 G 

Excited to start a shrimp only tank. I’m using a 9G Fluval tank, only just begun making serious plans. 

The look of the 75 gallon rummy-nose tank is amazing! Which tanks you're favourite?

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@Atitagain I can relate to this quote 

On 9/10/2023 at 6:19 AM, Atitagain said:

Took a big step back due to time management and burn-out.

Welcome back! I think stepping back and reevaluating is super important. The hobby changes and evolves for all of us! Super excited to watch your videos!

Are you going with Neocaridina or Caridina for the shrimp tank? I’ve got some Aura blue’s and tangerine tigers it’s been a gentle dip of the toes into Caridina! 

Edited by Beardedbillygoat1975
Aura blues not Auta blues
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Thinking out loud “I should sell/ donate my extra tanks. This forum gets me so inspired I started thinking maybe just 1 more tank, 1 different fish, ect..” seriously tho it’s so nice to be enjoying leisure time with my aquariums. Will be focusing more energy on updating cabinets, organizing wires and cords, decorating, finish office space, and closing off window in room (way to drafty)







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  • 2 weeks later...

Enjoying my fishroom so much more, or should I say appreciate. (both 😃) Having time to stare at my tanks is so relaxing. Water changes and reg maintenance has become enjoyable again.

Been working on organizing and was able to get some cabinet doors that were free due to a change of mind by the customer. Still need to paint them but that’s for another day.




cab on right is storage for buckets, filter equipment, heaters, air supplies, meds, and more



then on left is more storage, tools, food, and at bottom is my water changing set up. I have a small pump that gets water from my siphon bucket to another bucket in the cabinet. Then a large pump takes it through the wall to my sump pump in next room.


Always evolving, such a wonderful aspect of this hobby. And always Atitagain 

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