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Atitagain Fish Room


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On 8/19/2021 at 9:44 AM, Jimmy said:

Looks like a great start! What air pump you using and was the loop easy to install?

I’m using a Linear Piston Air Pump bought from aquarium coop. The loop was super easy to install. I found having it well above the tanks helped with even distribution. My old set up I had the loop much lower.And it was difficult to get even flow from each outlet.

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On 8/19/2021 at 7:00 AM, Atitagain said:

I’m using a Linear Piston Air Pump bought from aquarium coop. The loop was super easy to install. I found having it well above the tanks helped with even distribution. My old set up I had the loop much lower.And it was difficult to get even flow from each outlet.

Well my pump and 27 sponge filters arrive from the coop today . Looking forward to hooking it up. Might not get that far this week. Make sure to check out my build thread and I will have updates today. Link in my signature 

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On 8/19/2021 at 11:53 AM, alpenglow007 said:

This looks great! Do you mind if I ask where you are located/region? I am working on my build and I love how you have put this together! 

Thanks, I’m in the Midwest, Indiana. I built the racks out of pine 2x4s and 2x6s cabinetry is poplar plywood. Plan is to add some live edge shelf’s to front of all the racks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updated tour of the fish room. All constructive criticism welcomed, if you see something out of place or needs upgraded, maybe something you’ve done and learned a lesson why not to do it that way, tips tricks, a fish that don’t belong, whatever it may be i am very open to discussion and will take all opinions into consideration. Im here to learn and if you hold back maybe I never gain that knowledge.

I missed 2 tanks in the quarantine section the 20G on the left is pest snails for my pea puffers and the 10G on right is 3 platties, I was wanting about 12 and breed 14 then had an emergency move of them and only the 3 survived.

not huge detail still learning/ getting comfortable with camera. Also I don’t know scientific names, technical aspects, remember names of equipment, ect… anyway enjoy!


Edited by Atitagain
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That is so awesome and organized! I am so stealing the green handle basket for plant stuff idea. I’m going to make one for algae sponges razors etc too!😍😍😍. I don’t know if your brine shrimp cans were empty but I get a better hatch rate if I keep them refrigerated. Also hubby got me this to see inside my pleco cave $30 bucks pics and video 3ft reach ok I have to find the picture of it give me a moment

Edited by Guppysnail
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@Guppysnail. Thank you, the brine shrimp cans are empty’s, I keep my active can in freezer. The packaging for those is great for how well they seal up and being able to reuse 👍. The endoscope is a great idea I will definitely be getting one of those. Unfortunately it will have to go on the wish list instead of the need list for now. 😁

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On 8/28/2021 at 6:59 PM, Keeg said:

LOVE THIS LOOK. I have to know, what's in the bucket??

Thanks so much! I wish I had a cool story for the bucket but that pic was takin about a year ago…best guess dirty tank water and I didn’t remove before I started taking pics. 😬

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On 8/28/2021 at 4:54 PM, Atitagain said:

Thanks so much! I wish I had a cool story for the bucket but that pic was takin about a year ago…best guess dirty tank water and I didn’t remove before I started taking pics. 😬

I felt this on a personal level 😂😂😂

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gonna be rearranging and downsizing fish room over next few days. Then go on a cleaning spree for a few days after that. My time as become more limited and budget needs to be tightened as well. I’ve cut cost in a few ways but not enough to keep doing new projects. And new projects and experiments are two main factors that keep me interested in this hobby. So downsizing becomes my only option that I can see with my personal obligations. Also trying to find ways to cut down maintenance time, not that I mind doing it but minutes have become so important.

Right now my tanks are in such bad shape IMO. My plants need trimmed, algae is crazy in a couple spots, I haven’t gravel vaced in weeks, canister filters way over due for service (3), sponge filters way over due on a few tanks, lids have way to much algae on bottom side, glass needs cleaned, wires tangled for way to long, feedings have not been on schedule, guppy babies not tended too, food cabinet need organized, storage closet needs organized, and ect… 

Cant really say how I’m gonna go with tank swap and which ones will be removed plan has changed a couple times already. One thing I know for sure all tanks will be moved from lower levels of racks. Will NEVER have tanks that close to floor again, so much time wasted because of slow drainage. Gravel vac can be done but vacuum is not strong enough. Even to just siphon off a partial water change I have to have such a low container it never holds enough. Wanted to get rid of 60G tanks and move 55Gs up but then I would need to get rid of the Oscar. The 60s are just a weird height, have to have stool to service. And bottom of tank is almost armpit deep. I’ve decided I’m keeping the 60s tho and putting the 55s in storage. Will be able to keep more stock (especially Oscar) 
Need more plants with that being said need better lights for the 60Gs. Got potho in AC tank need to do that in Oscar tank as well and try to find floating plants they won’t eat (both tanks) really need to focus on all other tanks plants to get full growth so water change time is cut way down. Will be gaining a lot of plants from breaking down the 55s but not enough. Think I figured out why stem plants aren’t doing as well as everyone says they should. Read the hard water slows or even will not allow growth. Need to research plants that do well in hard water. I already have to much vallisneria. Java fern always is failing as well, Amazon swords seem to do well but seem very slow growing. And that’s about it need to start focusing research time on plants. 

Started tank swap today not big progress, spent a lot of time planning then replanning worked on quarantine space today. Moved 29G to its spot ( rummynose breeding tank) consolidated snail (moved mystery snails with feeder snails), and 20G QT tank in place, also cleaned up cord/ air line as well.E8A9FC93-8618-433C-B2BF-AE37B67B5F48.jpeg.ba47c12b50265d052ccadb0a56b4c396.jpeg28B6508E-FD98-4EDD-8F27-E31A2EADCC98.jpeg.4f75d141b34335f511331d98e1b4dc66.jpegpay no attention to the green tank (experiment didn’t have time to complete)

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