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Its Been 2 Years


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Its been two years since I started keeping fish, so I though I would share my journey of how I not only got into the hobby, but also how my hobby has progressed.

July 2019

It was late July of 2019 that I went to the petstore to pickup my dog from the groomers. I figured while I was there I would take a look around. This petstore only sells bettas as their livestock, and specializes more with pet foods, toys, etc. It was when I came across the bettas that I said to myself "I want a fish". I went home and started researching about what fish to buy for newbys. I remember clownfish at the time really peaked my interest. Mostly because an article that I read said "they can be kept in small aquariums". Which is true, but I thought they meant a fish bowl. But it was because of me not wanting to make my own saltwater that made me say "lets get a betta". I ran the costs of everything:

  • Fish Bowl Kit $10
  • Betta Fish $10
  • Food $10

Meaning that this would only cost me $30!!! Unforatntley nobody told me fish dont belong in bowls.

August 10th 2019

August 10th 2019 was my 14th birthday. The only thing I asked for was a betta. But instead of a betta I received a 10 gallon aquarium. I thought "this is too big for a betta, so what should I put in it...?" 

Later that day my Dad and I went to walmart to get the gravel. And the next day we got decor, and set it up! 


We later got plastic plants for this as you'll see in later photos.

August 13th 2019

I woke up to the sight of a foggy fish tank. uh-oh, will it still be safe for fish? Later that day we went to the fish store to not only look at what kind of fish I could get, but also ask questions about that foggy tank. The employee ensured us that it was just the cycling process and that it still should be fine for fish. She even gave us a test strip to test the water and see if its ready for fish!

This first visit to the fish store is what really started the spark! Seeing all the fish one could put in a tank. 
August 14th 2019


I got...

  • Baby Angelfish
  • Female Swordtail
  • Yellow Glowfish
  • a Single Corydora


August/ September 2019

This is when I discoverd the "fish tube" community and really what fueld my hobby from the beginning. I cant remember how I came across fish videos but I do remember the first video I watched.

It was the Kind of Diy. I soon after subscribed to him and a bunch of other aquarium related youtubers. All though I didnt start watching aquarium co-op until July of 2019. 

September 24 2019

I had finally decided to get that betta fish I wanted from the beginning. Unfortantley I did buy one of those tiny 0.5 gallon betta kits. I got this betta and him Marlin.


He became a very personable fish. Later I started teaching him to jump for his food, and even follow my finger. This was mindblowing for me as I didn't know fish were for smart enough to do any of that.

November 15 2019

My aquarium bursted. It had some how sprung a leak and it went all over my floor. Thankfully I came hom right when it happened. I got all the fish into buckets and started cleaning up the water. Later that day we went to a fish store to get a new 10 gallon. 

Heres a picture of the tank with a few inches of water:


Thankfully almost all of my fish survived the stressful day. The only fish not surviving was my corycat. I was able to get him into the buckets. But I belive his passing to be because of how stressful that day was for the fish. Getting moved into a bucket, and then just hours later getting moved back into the aquarium. I woke up the next morning to see him on his side, he passed hours after. 

March 2020

This is when the stocking of that aquarium was really bad. Over the past few months I had acquired:

  • Gourami
  • Threadfin Rainbow
  • Electric Blue Ram
  • And then still having the Angelfish, Swordtail. I gave the glowfish back to the LFS.

It wasn't the best stocking options. The gourami had soon after nipped the threadfin rainbows fins off, and then few months later killing that rainbow. 



April 2020

I upgraded my bettas tank to a 3 gallon. I relized the tank he was in before was way to small. I included a heater and a filter in the new tank. 


September 3 2020

I had bought a 40 gallon breeder off a guy from kijji. The plan was to make this my first planted aquarium. 

September 21 2020

This day changed my hobby forever. I had decided to make an acoount for this forum! This forum is now whats fueling my hobby. Before this I didn't really know anyone in this hobby. However this forum has allowed to meet people that share the same interests, and allow me to share things in the hobby that I find exciting.

October 31 2020

The plan was to put this new 40 breeder down in the basement. At the time our basement was under renovation. But the floors had finally been in installed so it was time to set it up. I went to the LFS picked up plants, fertilizer, and sand. and ohhh-boy did this planted tank fail. 

I bought a sword, anubias, and some green hedge. Later on I learned that grene hedge is not an aquatic plant. 


November 7 2020

Time to add the fish! I had tested the water the day before and determined the aquarium was cycled! Its important to note that I dropped in fish food every day to boost the cycle. Which is why I was able to cycle it in a week.

I picked up two angelfish, and a school of cardinal tetras.


Soon after I moved all the fish in my 10 gallon into the new 40 breeder. I forgot to add that the gourami along with my betta had been given away to a LFS. Leaving only the angelfish and swordtail to be moved.

I gave my gourami away because he was too much of a jerk, already killed the rainbow and then started bullying my swordtail. My betta I gave away due to the fact that I thought I couldn't take good care of it. Figured it would be better in the LFS.

A day after moving the fish the swordtail had developed a bad case of popeye. I was unsucessful in treating this and she died shortly after.

December 25 2020

I was given a fluval spec 5 as a gift. I knew that I wanted to not only do a betta, but that I also wanted to sucessfully keep plants after my first attempt failed misserbly. So I set it up with Seachum Floursih Substrate, Dragon Stone, and Monte Carlo. It was a beutifal and very succesfull aquarium. The monte carlo would pearl, but do it no co2 never carpeted. I created my first journal on this aquarium:


Janurary 25 2021

I got my betta, who I named Hugo. Hugo is now defentley the favorite fish that I own, he has lots of personality. He lets me pet him now. 



Feburary/ March 2021

Anyone who followed my betta journal knows that Hugo went through some drastic finrot. I had started treating with salt, but it had only seemed to make him worst. I dont want to go super in depth about this, but if you wish to learn more about read the journal. 

There were times where I thought I was going to wakeup to a dead hugo😪. But I never gave up and eventually his fins started growing back.

Here is a video I shot of him playing with a laser pointer through his finrot treatment. Even through the worst, he constantly showed lots of personality.

 April 9 2021

I had decided that I wanted plants back into the 40 breeder. I was confident that I was going to be able to do it right. And I made sure to stick with "beginner plants"


May 14 2021

I had wanted to start breeding guppies, so I set up a tank to facilitate that:



August 10 2021 - Present Day

Today is not only the day that I celerbrate my 16th birthday, but also my 2 year anniversary in the hobby. 

Its fun to see how my hobby has progressed. From fake plastic plants with blue gravel - to dirted tanks with actual live plants

Here is each one of my aquariums today:






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