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Small worms with grabby things


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Ok I took a sponge filter out of my outside pond to set up a quarantine tank for possible new fish and found little worms with what looks like a claw machine grabber on one end. It's the best description ive got... and the pond has green water so its hard to see but there are multiple to the right of the °C on the old sticker therm. SAFE OR NOT?


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Worm with claw machine grabber on the end only makes me think of hydra. Actually that is a pretty perfect way to describe hydra that I would have never thought of doing myself. 😆 Google hydra and see if those are the claw machine grabber worms that you see. If so, I don't think there's really any harm in having them in your tank unless you're raising shrimp or fry. 

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Definitely not cyclops or daphnia. They don't look like detritus worms ive seen in my other tanks and don't have the triangle shaped head like planaria. They are lime a little pinkish colored worm with a little grabber on one side and they aren't free swimming in the water. Is it OK to use a sponge filter thats been in an outside pond for a quarantine tank?  I'm hoping this is just good fish food

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5 hours ago, Mychala said:

@MickS77 I've never had hydra and only seen them in pictures attached to things. These are laying on the glass bottom wiggling around...do hydra do this too?

Yup. They will stick to plants, glass, rocks, pretty much anything. 

There are few things more satisfying than watching a honey gourami pull them off. 

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Yeah, I think it is Hydra. They pray of fry. They are safe for most fish, but anything smaller that 1/2 inch will get eaten. The cool thing about them is that they don't age. And so in theory could live forever. They catch their food by giving small electrical shocks into the fish. Any fish under around an inch would be agitated by the stings, but it is only deadly for like tiny fish and fry. My neon tetras peck at them, and I see them jump back from the shock. Then they are fine.

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