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Siamese Algae Eater Aggression


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Had anyone experienced aggression with SAE’s? He’s well feed and bullying all the otos that get remotely near the algae wafers at the bottom corner of the tank. Tank is well planted and plenty of spots to hide/hangout. Probably going to have to re-home him at some point just because he’ll get too big for that tank, but curious if anyone who’s kept them found them to be territorial or aggressive. 




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Your SAE is not a true algae eater, they'll eat algae when they're young and small, but as they get older and larger, they'll eat the Oto's and any other fish they can swallow. I had a couple back in the '80's, never again.

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On 8/6/2021 at 8:10 PM, zayackylepga said:

Had anyone experienced aggression with SAE’s? He’s well feed and bullying all the otos that get remotely near the algae wafers at the bottom corner of the tank. Tank is well planted and plenty of spots to hide/hangout. Probably going to have to re-home him at some point just because he’ll get too big for that tank, but curious if anyone who’s kept them found them to be territorial or aggressive. 




I've had this experience with my SAE's too. They always nip and chase my cories away. I've found that just time, patience, and feeding plenty of food at once helps. I would recommend feeding when the lights are out if you had cories, but I don't think this will work for otos, since they are also daytime feeders.

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