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Growth on silver tip


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Nitrates 20

Hardness between 150-300

nitrites 0

kh 40

Temp 77


this fish has been looking “plump” for a few weeks. Now has a growth just behind her right gill. Tried to get a good picture of left side, but has a smaller growth there. 

Had a dwarf gourami with something similar 6-8 months ago. Also another silver tip 2-3 months ago, though it had a more bend appearance. 

Although tail looks droopy in picture below, it is normally straight and she is swimming normally

thinking that she needs to be euthanized, but not sure how to prevent this in future (or what it is). Thanks!



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With the bloating and the growth behind the gill it could be a fish mycobacteria infection with growth behind the gill a would recommend euthanizeing him clove oil is the most humane way also I would do a proventive Course of kanaplex to cover against any bacterial infection fish mycobacteria infection usely only respond to antibiotic treatment in the early stages of an infection

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It difficult to no for sure with out taking tissue cultures I recommend using seachems kanaplex in food you will need seachem focus to act as a binding agent to mix the frozen food or pellets and kanaplex 


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