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Amano shrimp molting right after added to tank?


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I added some amanos to try and help my algae growth - within a couple days of adding to my tank at least 3 have either molted or died. Looks like just the shell remains, I don’t see anything else, so I assumed they molted and didn’t die. The other few are doing just fine, busy eating at my driftwood and algae covered plants. Is this normal behavior immediately after going into a new tank?

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A change in water parameters/condition is a frequent "trigger" for most freshwater shirmp to molt.  Two things to be on the lookout for when shrimp are molting:

* The newly exposed shells on the shrimp are soft and take a couple hours to harden.  If you have aggressive/inquisitive/not respecting of personal space tank mates,  hiding place decor/moss beds are super helpful protection.

* Many female shrimp release a pheromone when they molt that will trigger nearby males to try to mate with them.  if you have a multiple males in the vicinity,  it can unfortunately turn into a fatal "night at the Roxbury" type scenario.

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