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Hello!! Here’s my tank. I’m looking for some exciting stocking ideas that aren’t livebearers because I have those coming out my ears! Tank is a 29 gallon. Filtered by a medium sponge (thanks to the coop) and a Fluval 207 with two full trays of seachem matrix. The light on top is a fluval plant 3.0. 


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47 minutes ago, Bill Smith said:

I put Emperor Tetras in mine. They look AMAZING if you feed them up real good:

The picture does not do them justice. These guys are TWO INCHES LONG!!


Unfortunately the picture isn’t showing for me but I do enjoy the look of emperor tetras. I just figured they need a little more space?

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I'm trying to figure out what to do with a couple of 29s right now too. Was hoping to try Notho killifish in one but the eggs I bought didn't hatch so now I'm a bit stuck.

If you've never kept any sort of gourami I think they make great centerpiece fishes that have loads of personality and will actively explore every area of the tank. Find a species you like the look of and if it's a more peaceful one you could get a few but for most species singles are fine. Then I would pick whatever small schooling fish catches your eye and get a dozen of them.I 've kept a few different kinds of gouramis like that and it's something I'd always go back to, I just love them.

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In my 29 I'm currently keeping dwarf rainbow up top, long fin red serpae terta mid and dwarf chain loaches on bottom with a opaline gourami as a center piece. In a planted tank they add activity and color. I have my blues, reds, with black and white.

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Good looking tank! I agree with Bill about emperor tetras, but serpae tetras, lemon tetras, or costae tetras would also look amazing. Costae tetras may be harder to get a hold of, but they're definitely worth it. They have a blue sheen to them. You could maybe do a pair of apistogramma borelli or nannacara anomala as centerpiece fish, too. Hope yall like it

Edited by Ben
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Also stocking a 29 gallon soon! It looks like we had a similar idea with the wood decor! I will be adding a lot more plants in the next week or so.

Short term, I might throw some juvenile guppies in there to get things rolling. 

Long term, I would like to try German rams. A school of neon or cardinal/rummy nose tetras. A few Otocinclus. 

Then I have been wondering about the wisdom of squeezing in a Leopoldi Angelfish, which I just discovered were a thing, as a centerpiece.

I really want an angel, but I don't want to create an amazon basin tank in so much bloody reality that they eat the neons--hence the possible schooling fish options. Plus I have seen otocinclus school with rummy nose, and that was super cool...


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Guess I'll join in on the 29 spiderwood train too

Nothing but snails right now, kind of wishing I'd put my Chocolate Gouramis in here as a species tank and freeing up my 55 for angels, but I don't want to catch them all again 🙃


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11 hours ago, H.K.Luterman said:

If I were going to set up a new 29, I'd try my hand at dwarf flag cichlids. 

(image is not mine, found off google)


This gets my vote!  I've been reading about this species for for a bit and I may add some to my 40 gallon down the road.   They seem like great little fish!    I used to keep a pair of Keyhole cichlids in a 29 gallon and they were so much fun!   They are in the same Tribe as this fish so I'm guessing that their behavior is very similar.  

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  • 1 year later...

I have a well planted 29 gal hardscaped w/ rock & mangrove . stocked with 2 Bolivian Rams, 4 Hill stream loaches, 3 ottos,2 rummy nose, 6 ember tetras,  4 black neon, 4 cherry barbs. Weekly water changes. HOB and 4” air stone. Beautiful healthy tank

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